Title: Always been yours Author: Laura Sprys Date: 5/17/2001 E-Mail: short_and_cute@hotmail.com Rating: beyond PG :) Category: MSR Summary: Mulder's the only one who can help Scully through her mother's death. Spoilers: DON'T PANIC: There aren't any spoilers. I swear. Disclaimer: I've borrow our illustrious duo for a bit ... to write something that Carter wouldn't dare ... Mulder and Scully having a life ... because his toying is too hard to bare ... $%&$%&$%& Always been yours By: Laura Sprys "Scully?" Looking up from the computer screen, "yeah?" "For you." She took the phone from Mulder's hand, "who is it?" Mulder shrugged, carefully avoiding her eyes, which she immediately took notice of, a chill running down her spine. With the phone to her ear, "hello?" After about 20 seconds of listening, she handed the phone over to Mulder, sitting down in the nearest chair. He listened to the person talking, remembering everything they said, yet not allowing any of it to sink in yet. Hanging up, he knelt in front of Scully, "I'm sorry." She stared at him dumbly, her eyes dry, "I need to go home." "I'll take you." Nodding, she headed toward the door and out into the hall to the elevator. He caught up with her there, carrying her forgotten bag and coat. They rode to the main floor in silence and the stares of the people in the lobby went unnoticed. The ride to Scully's apartment was equally quiet, with her staring out the window into space and Mulder almost in a panic as to what he could do. He let them in with his key and locked the door securely behind. Scully was standing in the middle of the living room, not comprehending the fact she was even home. Mulder walked over to her and asked softly, "do you want to lay down for awhile?" She looked up at him in confusion and recognizing the expression on her face, he managed to get her to the linoleum in the kitchen before she threw up. That first round hit both her and Mulder but in the very brief interim before her stomach exploded again, he got her to the kitchen sink, where he held her head and waited for the storm to pass. Maneuvering Scully into the bathroom, he sat her on the toilet seat and proceeded to wipe her face clean. Next he pulled off his own shirt and pants, dumping them in the bathtub. Getting his partner out of her clothes proved to be a bit more difficult but he finally he had her stripped down to her underwear and bra. Grabbing her nightshirt from the bed, he slid it over her head, managing to get the bra off her from under the shirt. Through the whole process, Scully could only stare in Mulder's direction although one look in her lost eyes told him she wasn't seeing him, possibly didn't even know he was there. Taking her by the hand, he led her to her bedroom, pulled the covers back and lay her down. Leaving for a few minutes, Mulder threw their clothes in Scully's washer, then haphazardly cleaned up the kitchen. Returning to the bedroom, he saw that she hadn't moved or surrendered that lost stare. Her cheek felt like ice on the back of his hand, causing him to crawl into the bed behind her, to wrap his arms around her, to offer up his warmth to her. He held her close until she had drifted off to sleep. Quietly sliding out of bed, he went to finish with the kitchen. Since it was early enough, he called Skinner to fill him in. "Sir?" "Yes?" "Sir, it's Mulder." "Where have you been?" "I'm sorry but both Scully and I are going to need to take some personal time off." "May I inquire as to why both of you are doing this ... together?" Attempting to keep the irritation out of his voice, "Scully's mother was killed this morning in a car accident out in San Diego. Her brothers are flying in and the funeral will be in a few days. She's going to need the time and I'm not about to let her do this alone." Skinner, feeling like a total ass for his behavior, "I'm sorry Mulder. Tell her to take as much time as she needs and let me know what's going on." "All right sir. Thanks." He made his way back into the bedroom after a stop in the bathroom. Getting back into bed with Scully, he gathered her up, hoping she would be okay. $%&$%&$%& Mulder's sleep was interrupted by what he finally figured out to be a quiet knocking on the front door. Extrication his arms from the still sleeping Scully, he padded down the hall and opened the door with a yawn, "yeah?" The taller, red-haired man standing there seemed a bit taken back but he recovered quickly and stuck out his hand, "you're Mulder right?" Rubbing his head with one hand, he shook with the other, "that's right. Who are you?" "Sorry. I'm Charles Scully, Dana's brother." His brain was slow to comprehend but it eventually did, which caused him to step aside, "I'm rude ... come on in ... you woke me up so I'm not quite conscious yet." Shutting the door after he had put the bag down, "that was you on the phone yesterday wasn't it?" "I knew I recognized your voice. I'm sorry about your mom." The man's eyes filled for a moment, then he blinked back the tears, "thanks." Taking off his coat, he laid it over the back of the couch, "how's Dana holding up?" Shrugging, "it's been a rough night. She was tossing and turning up until about an hour ago. I ..." He trailed off, realizing he wasn't making the situation sound very good. Charlie just smiled at him, "thank you for being here. I was hoping you'd stay. Looking towards the still silent bedroom, "I hope this isn't too much for her." "So do I. She hasn't said a word to me since yesterday." "When it hits her, it's gonna hit her hard." "I'll be here to catch her." "Now I can see why she thinks highly of you." "You know, you're the first Scully sibling to think I'm at least a somewhat decent person ... do you want some coffee?" Sitting down on the couch, he kicked his shoes off, "ignore Bill, he's a pain in the ass most of the time and Mel liked you, she just thought if she'd told you, she'd never hear the end of it. And no, I've had enough coffee to single-handedly raise the Colombian stock market." Sitting in the chair across from him, "anything else you'd like then?" "What I could really go for is a nap. You got an extra pillow laying around here?" "I can do better than that." Getting up, he retrieved two pillows and Scully's extra quilt from the hall closet, "I haven't figured out why your sister has so many pillows but today, they come in handy." Settling in, "you should have seen her room when she was younger. Sometimes it was hard to find the bed underneath the pillows. On school mornings, it was my job to unearth her and get her going so she wouldn't make us late." "Scully? Late? We're talking about the same woman yes?" "I'm talking about the girl with the flame shaped birthmark on her ass." "With that information, I believe you've made my decade." Charlie laughed, "I've got tons of family secrets." Pulling the drapes closed and heading into the hallway, "I'll be taking notes." $%&$%&$%& Once back in the bedroom, he made his way to Scully's side. Sitting there on the floor, he studied her finally peaceful face. He'd never known her to be so withdrawn and it frightened him more than he cared to admit to anyone but himself. Laying his head on the mattress, he continued to memorize the face he already knew by heart. $%&$%&$%&$&% He must have fallen asleep there because the next thing he knew, Charlie was shaking his shoulder gently, "Mulder?" Turning his head, "yeah?" Whispering, "someone named Skinner is on the phone." Pulling himself off the floor, "will you stay with her?" He nodded and sat down in Mulder's spot. Once back in the living room, he saw his cell phone waiting on the back of the couch. The clock told him he'd been asleep for a couple of hours. Picking it up, "hello?" "Sorry to bother you Mulder but I wanted to let you know that the guy from your last case got picked up outside Duluth. He'll be here in a few hours and I need you to fill in a few of the holes so we can book him." "We never fill in all the holes sir." "These are actually some of Scully's holes but you ought to be able to fill them in." Sitting down on the couch, "fire away." $%&$%&$%& About 15 minutes later, Mulder hung up with Skinner but as soon as stood up, Scully's phone rang, "hello?" "Who's this?" "Shouldn't I be the one asking you that?" "Where's my sister?" Mulder, who really did have tact, opted not to hang up but instead held his tongue, "she's asleep." "Why are you there?" Grinding his teeth slightly, "I'm her friends and I wasn't going to leave her alone." "Has Charles shown up yet?" He decided to attribute Bill's nastiness to the present situation, "he got here early this morning." "Tell him to come pick me up at Delta gate 23 at 2:00. The rental won't be ready until after 6:00." "Would you like to talk to him? He's just in the other room." "No, I'm sure you can get the message to him without screwing it up." Before Mulder hung up, not being able to resist, "I'll just go write it down and staple it to his forehead." He was rather shocked that that had fallen out of his mouth ... amused, but still shocked. ""Staple what to my forehead?" Mulder turned to see Charlie walking into the kitchen. He turned a bit pink, "a note saying where to pick Bill up." "He already told me, twice. One of these decades he's gonna wake up and realize I'm not an idiot." "One of these decades, he's gonna realize that I'm human." Opening the fridge, Charlie routed around until he found an actual can of pop. Showing it to Mulder, "mind if I drink?" "Be my guest ... she weaned me off soda years ago." Glancing down the hallway, "everything all right in there?" Nodding from across the kitchen table, "yeah. She hasn't woken up yet." Turning back to him, "that little conversation reminded me, Tara's not coming is she?" Surprised at the mention of his sister-in-law, "no, the doctor doesn't want her flying. That newest nephew of ours is ready to pop out any day now." "That's got to be hard for her. She and your mom got along great." "Have you met her?" Not sure how much her knew, Mulder kept his answer short, "yeah, we had a case out there awhile back. She seemed wonderful."" "I'm still trying to figure out why she picked him but hey, they say love is blind." Not being sure he should pry, "so what are the arrangements, if you don't mind me asking? There are some people we know who'll want to come." "From what I know, our relatives are driving in early tomorrow for visiting and the funeral will be the day after tomorrow. Then she'll be buried next to Melissa." A few stray tears escaped his eyes and he hastily brushed them away, "sorry." "It's all right Charlie, believe me. I've lost both my parents. Scully has mopped up more gallons from me than I can even imagine." "Day was closest to her. There were a few years when she had us all worried but in the end she turned out all right." "Day?" Chuckling, "I used to bitch and moan about having to go wake her up but it was the best part of my day. Half the time she'd already be awake and she's grab me, flip me onto the bed and tickle me until we both were hysterical ... so I called her Day and she called me Night ... because they go together. Mulder was about to comment when something told him to go check on Scully. Turning around, he saw her standing in the hall, "Mulder?" Walking toward her, "yeah?" Staring at him with fire in her eyes, "I need you to get her back." His heart already collapsing, "I can't." "Yes you can. For eight years, I've followed without asking anything of you. You have to do this for me." Reaching out for her, "Scully, I can't." "Liar." She pushed him back and he stumbled, sitting down on the floor. "All I'm asking is that you bring her back. Now." As she wheeled back, she hit the wall and slid to the floor, "please Mulder, I need her ... God Mulder, please?" He gathered her up in his arms, rocking her gently as her tears finally began to fall, "I'm sorry." "Please Mulder? I can't be alone." Taking her face between his hands, he stared into her pleading eyes and knew words wouldn't give her what she was wishing for. Tilting her face up, he kissed her repeatedly, whispering, "I love you Scully ... you'll never be alone, I swear." Holding the last kiss longer, his tears mixed with hers, " I love you." Sobbing into his chest, "I want her back. Please tell me it's a nightmare Mulder, please?" Holding her forehead to his and stroking her cheeks, "it's the worst kind of nightmare but I can't wake you up ... I'm sorry." She wrapped her arms around his neck, tears streaming down her face and he held her close, waiting out the storm. A while later, her body had calmed her sobbing and she sat, still entwined with Mulder, quieted by both his touch and his words. Pulling slightly away from him, she brushed her lips over his, whispering, "I love you too." Mulder gave her a small smile but S was startled to hear her brother's voice coming from him, "you're not the only one who could use a hug ya know." Looking over Mulder's shoulders, "Charlie!" He came over and saw down on the carpet with them, pulling her into a tight squeeze, "hey Day." Swiping the last of the tears from her younger brother's cheeks, "when did you get here?" Before he had a chance to answer, her face turned pink and she began to apologize, "I'm sorry I fell apart..." Giving her a brotherly swat on the arm, "shut up woman and stop apologizing." Repeating her question, "how long have you been here?" "I came knocking about eight this morning. Mulder heard my pitiful banging and offered me your couch." "I'm sorry I wasn't awake." "Didn't I tell you to shut up?" Giving her a grin, "besides, I had some Dana secrets that Mulder needed to know." "Oh Lord." Mulder reached over and wiped away the remaining tears, "don't worry, I won't tell Frohike all of them." Shaking her head at both of them, she steered them away from the topic, "have you talked to Bill yet?" "Yeah ... he called a little while ago to inform me, for the third time, that I need to pick him up at 2:00pm." Glancing at his watch, "which brings up the question of whether I can borrow your car Day, I didn't rent one." Mulder answered for her, "her car's still at work but you're welcome to mine." S, with a puzzled look at Mulder, asked, "do you want me to come?" Standing, Charlie pulled her up next to him, "you'd better stay here. You still look beat." "I'm fine." "You may be older than me sister but I'm bigger. Don't worry, Bill will have plenty of time to scowl at you for the next couple of days." Putting her hand on his arm, "mom doesn't want us arguing." Planting a kiss on her cheek, "I know. I'll be back in a while." $%&$&%%&$#&% After Charlie had left, Scully headed silently back into the bedroom. Mulder followed, sitting down next to her on the bed, "how you feelin'?" "I don't remember getting here Mulder." "You mean from work?" "Yeah. I don't remember much of anything." "Your mind was a bit overloaded. I brought you here and here we are." "Something else happened. You're being too quick with your answers." Hooking his feet on the bed frame, he avoided her look, "the news didn't hit you until after we got here. Your stomach rebelled. I cleaned us up, then put you to bed." Her eyes filled again, this time with tears of embarrassment, "I've cornered the market on emotional displays haven't I?" Bumping shoulders with him, "I'm sorry." Taking her hand, he squeezed it, "that's totally unnecessary." Sliding off the bed, she moved to stand in front of him. Placing herself between his legs, she bought her lips down to his without wavering, without constraint, sliding her tongue hesitantly into his surprised mouth. Mulder responded equally, pulling her closer and opening his mouth further, accepting all she gave. Breaking the intimate contact a few minutes later, Scully whispered "I love you' once again before turning towards the bathroom to indulge herself in a hot shower. Mulder continued to sit quietly on the bed, reliving the previous event in his mind until he heard the shower turn back off. Getting up, he made his way to the living room, leaving her to get dressed in private. He knocked on her door a few minutes later, "mind if I hop in the shower?" "No." Eyeing his suit on the back of the couch, "you wouldn't by any chance have some clothes I could wear do you?" Scully pulled open the door, "amazingly enough I do." Mulder followed her, amused, "stealing my clothes?" "More like washing the dirty ones that you leave in my trunk." "Same thing." Pulling out a box from her closet, she produces an old pair of jeans, a few shirts, some socks, a couple of pairs of boxers "always an interesting find," a pair of sweats, an undershirt, a pair of sunglasses, a Cubs baseball cap and various trinkets that always fell out of his pockets. "This is better than a lost-and-found." Taking what he wanted, he dumped the rest back in the box, "never know when I might need them." "Glad to serve. Please come again." $%&$%&$%&$ Mulder was out of the shower and in the kitchen helping Scully with a makeshift dinner when Charlie and Bill walked through the door. Scully's eyes swam again when she saw her older brother. Hugging her tightly, he looked over toward Mulder and nodded his head. In shocked surprise, he walked over a shook Bill's hand, "hello again." Bill, to his credit, remained quite civil throughout the evening. During dinner, he mentioned that his rental would be available after 6:00pm and that due to space, he'd rented a room at a nearby hotel. Scully didn't argue with him, figuring space would be the best thing for the four of them to have. While they were still sitting around the table, Mulder suggested to her, "we ought to go pick up your car as well." Charlie jumped in, "why don't the three of us go, drop off Bill to get the rental, we go get Day's car and meet back here?" Scully interrupted them, "I can drive you know. I have a license to prove it." "Hey kiddo, you look exhausted. Stay here. We'll take care of it." Her voice held that warning tone Mulder knew so well, "Bill ..." "This is big brother speaking. Don't think I won't unleash the tickle monster if I have to." Mulder figured blood would be shed soon but Scully just broke into a smile, "has the tickle monster been reborn?" "Yes ... and the kids are terrified of him." Pointing towards the cabinet by the door, "my extra set should be in there." Mulder whispered as he went to find his shoes, "tickle monster?" Nodding at him, "dad used to attack up when we said a certain word. He'd tickle us 'til we were curled up on the ground, laughing ourselves to tears." "What was the word?" Clapping her hand over her mouth, she mumbled, "can't say it." "Evil." "I don't want to be ambushed." Shoving his feet in his shoes, "pure evil." Charlie grinned at his sister and even Bill cracked a smile, "better watch it Mulder. That woman has very strong fingers." "Don't tell him Charlie." Bowing in her direction, "never, Day-light, never." $%&$&%&$&% Bill arrived back first with Mulder and Charlie about half an hour behind. After going over the plans for the next few days, both Bill and Charlie stood up once again, "I'm beginning to hate the car." "Come on Charlie, another twenty minutes and you can hit the bed and sleep as long as you want." Giving Scully a long hug, "I love you ... you gonna be okay tonight?" Mulder saw the struggle she was having to keep her emotions in check but her brothers, ready to fall asleep standing there, didn't notice the waver in her voice, "I love you too and I'll be fine ... honest." Charlie hugged and kissed her, "it's a goodnight for a Day." Slipping into the old ritual, she hugged him back, "it's Day's Night." "I love my Night." "And I love my Day." Shutting the door behind them, she moved to the window to watch them go. Mulder came up beside her, "have you always had that routine?" She nodded, "he was two and when I got home from school one day, mom told me he had spent all day trying to say my name. I ran upstairs and when he saw me, he clapped his hands, trying like mad to say it right but all he could get out was Day. He started to cry when he couldn't do it so I told him that would be his special nickname for me. Then I said that's his nickname would be Night. From then on, he'd answer to Night but only if I was the one saying it." Laying his hand gently on her back, "who came up with the exchange?" "He did, when he was four. We've been doing it ever since." "It's perfect." "Mom always smiled." Her held back tears finally escaped and Mulder turned her into his chest, where she gladly laid her head, "I miss her so much Mulder, I think my soul's collapsing." "You're always going to miss her but you've got a strong soul ... I think it'll hold up." With her face still buried in his shirt, "will you stay?" Giving her another hug, "why don't you go get ready for bed while I lock up?" "Thank you." "You're welcome." $%&$%&$&% Mulder walked into the bedroom to find Scully in her pajamas, curled up on the window seat. Telling her not to turn around, he changed into the sweatpants to sleep in. Turning off the light, he ambled up next to her, "would you like to know where your mom's star is?" Turning her head in his direction, " my mom's star? What do you mean?" "Well ... that one guy said that people who have died become starlight. Since that's the best idea I've heard in a long time, I figure your mom is up there, aiming her light here so we know that she's okay." Scully stared at him for a minute, and then slid forward in invitation for him to sit behind. After Mulder situated himself, she leaned back against him, "which one is her's?" In his story, he mentioned for the first time what had happened during the period Scully had been gone. He told her how wonderful Mrs. S had been, "I don't know what I would have done without her. She felt more like a mom to me than my own mother did." Scully interjected a story or two of her own until both fell into a contented silence. Mulder could have stayed like that all night but Scully sat up a bit later, "I've lost complete feeling in my right leg." Laughing, he removed his hands from their resting place on her stomach. She shook her foot until it was normal again, then headed over to the bed, "which side?" "Left." Scully crawled into the opposite side but didn't lie down. He did the same and across the moonlit darkness, Scully asked softly, "I know we can't wish her back but if you could have any other wish, what would it be?" Pondering for about five seconds, "I would like to be able to kiss you again." Without a word, she scooted closer to him and pressed her lips on his. This time is was he who sought out the interior of her mouth. Slipping his tongue in, he explored every inch with confident hesitation. The kiss became deeper when Scully began her own memorization of his mouth. Never knowing known a simple kiss could have this much power over him, he eagerly continued, moving his hands to her face and the back of her neck, pulling her closer. Both realized a short time later that if they continued this much longer, they wouldn't be able to stop themselves. It was Mulder who broke the contact this time. Leaning his forehead against hers, he continued to play with an escaped curl of her hair, "I don't want to stop." Scully kissed the end of his nose, "I don't either ... which is all the more reason to lay down and go to sleep." "Do you think your mom is scolding us wherever she is?" Giving him a final kiss, "I think she's happy. She loves you Mulder, almost as much as I do." "I love her too Scully. And you." "Good night Mulder." "Good night." $%&$&%&$ The next day, needless to say, was hideous for all parties concerned. Spending most of the day in the funeral parlor and forcing herself to make the rounds created a numb/cold feeling throughout her body. Waking up curled in Mulder's arms was the only thought that kept her sane and the idea of falling asleep later that night surrounded by his warmth, got her through the rosary and a late dinner with some of her family who had arrived that morning. Finally in the car on the way back to her house, via Mulder's to get some clothes and other things, she was able to relax some. She was almost asleep when they finally pulled up to the house and Mulder gently shook her awake, "we're home." Scully made it to the front door with only one eye open and she waited for a grinning Mulder to use his own key to get them in. Saying thanks, she made a beeline for the bedroom, shedding clothes as she went. Mulder watched with great interest as she first stepped out of her shoes, then removed her jacket, deftly slid herself out of her nylons with the skirt still on. Those landed in a ball on the floor, right next to the skirt that came off next. The blouse followed, leaving Scully clad in just a full slip. She was tugging at that as well when she turned into the bedroom. Letting out a breath he hadn't known he was holding, he went to the kitchen for a drink, then followed Scully's path into the bedroom. She was already under the covers when he got there, her eyelids dropping fast. He changed in the bathroom and finally slid his tired body next to hers. Giving her a kiss, "see you in the morning." "Only one more day to go." He stopped mid-eye close, her words triggering something in his brain. Turning on his side, he put his hand on her arm, "why didn't you go near the casket?" Shaking her head into the pillow, "not now Mulder. Please?" Not pushing it, "okay. Good night." Remaining in his present position, he laid his head on the pillow, close enough to take in the scent of her shampoo with every breath. He was almost asleep when he felt her shift slightly next to him, "you alright?" "Just a bit cold." "Well, come closer, jeez ... do you need an engraved invitation from the Pope?" A small chuckle escaped as she slid back into his arms, "I don't imagine the Pope sends out invitations to cuddle." "I'm glad. I think one would put me out of the mood instead on into it." "At any rate, I'm sorry I snapped at you a few minutes ago." "You didn't snap. You told me to mind my own business which I should have done to begin with." "But you asked a legitimate questions." "That you didn't have to answer." It took a moment for his legs to register that there was something different about Scully's pajamas. He moved his leg cautiously, "what happened to your pants?" Scully lay ridged for a moment, "oh God ... I forgot to put them on. They weren't on the bed so I forgot about them." Grinning into her neck, "should I take mine off so yours don't feel lonely?" "No ... just promise me you won't tell anyone that I only put half my pajamas on." Forcing the 8 billion thoughts out of his head, "do you want me to find them for you?" Cuddling back into him, "no, just keep me warm." "With pleasure Agent Scully, with pleasure." Placing a small kiss on the base of her neck, "good night." "'Night" $%&$%&&% The next morning, both woke around the same time. Nestled in the cozy warmth, neither wanted to get out of bed but Mulder knew they'd have to move eventually, "come on. Time to wake up." Tears instantly sprang to her eyes, "no." Sitting up on his elbow, he looked over her shoulder, "we have to get up." Rolling onto her back, she covered her face with her hands, "I can't do this Mulder." Gently removing her hands from her face, "we have to. There's no way around it." Her next words came out in a rush, "I didn't go up to the casket yesterday because I don't want to see her like that. The last time I saw her, she was grinning and dancing and laughing. If I see her like this, it'll be in my memory forever." Scrunching her face up, "I'm not going to make it through today." Sitting up next to her and coaxing her up beside him, he looked her square in the eye, "you will make it through today. You will go and do what you have to do. You're the strongest person I've ever known and will ever know. You're going to do this final thing for your mother because you love her and if you don't show up, I know for a fact that she'll be intensely pissed off." "I can't go see her though." "And if anyone tries to make you, I'll belt them in the mouth and get your mom to haunt them." Hugging him tightly, "thank you." Returning the hug and allowing his lips to linger on her forehead, "you're welcome." $%&$%&$%&$%& Scully managed to make it to the beginning of the funeral but the minute she saw the coffin being carried in, the tears began to roll. Mulder reached out, took her hand and laced his fingers with hers and not letting go until the end of the service. Afterwards, everybody filed out to the cars and Mulder had to let her climb into the first car while he followed behind. Leaning over, he gave her a kiss on the cheek, "you gonna be okay?" Nodding slightly, "I can't do this much longer though." Kissing her again, "we'll be home soon enough." "Will you stay the night?" "Never planned otherwise. See you in a little while." Getting into the car, Bill just stared at her, "has he been staying there with you?" Charlie jumped in, "watch it Bill." That shut him up quickly but Scully answered anyway, "yeah, he has. Mom loved him, I love him, Charlie likes him ... get used to him. I also don't think we ought to be arguing about it." "Sorry sis. I just want the best for you." "He is the best Bill." "Then I'll keep my mouth shut from now on." "Thanks." "Mom really liked him?" Scully raised her famous eyebrow at him and he feigned terror, "just kidding ... do you know you look just like Mom when you do that?" $%&$%&$%&$ The cemetery segment passed quickly and Scully was finally able to escape. Hugging her brothers and everyone else who had come , who included a somber Skinner and the three gunmen, dressed decently for once. Mulder, who had introduced Charlie to the four, saw the anguish under the surface of her face and excused himself. "Ready to go?" She could only nod, the grief of the last few days beginning to break her. Settling in the car, he got in himself, "almost home." "Almost." The car ride was silent, Scully buried in her thoughts. Walking into the apartment, she stopped in the middle of the living room, staring at the blank wall. Afraid she was sliding back into shock, he came around in front of her, "are you up for a nap?" Blinking, she focused her eyes on Mulder's and gave a small sigh, "that sounds wonderful." "Good." Unknotting his tie, he slung it over the arm of the chair and began undoing his shirt buttons as he headed toward the bedroom. Scully was on his heals and quickly changed in the bathroom. She called through the open bedroom door, "safe for me to come in?" "Yup." Turning around, his eyes immediately noticed she was still without her pajama bottoms, "they're still lost ey?" Sliding gratefully under the sheets, "it's a mystery." After flipping off the light and shutting the curtains completely, "one that doesn't need to be solved anytime soon." Finally sidling up beside her, "mysteries are good things." "No kiss goodnight?" Mulder smiled at her, brushing his lips lightly over hers, "of course kiss goodnight." The semi-darkness seemed to make Mulder a bit braver, "and maybe more when you're up to it." Smiling sleepily up at him, "I love you Mulder." "I love you too Scully." $%&$&%$&%& Her stomach woke her up a little after midnight. Slipping from the bed, she headed into the kitchen to make a couple of sandwiches. Returning to the bedroom, Mulder, who had woken while she was gone, "you okay?" Sitting cross-legged on the covers, "I got hungry." "Did you bring me anything?" Handing him his plate, "ham and cheese ... it's all we had." Sitting up next to her, he bit into the sandwich, "good enough for me." Mulder managed to finish before her and in waiting, asked, "how'd you sleep?" Shrugging, "ehhh ... I've got this knot in my back that's annoying me so..." "Well, finish your sandwich and lay down." Cracking his knuckles, "I'll see what I can do." Stacking the plates on the table by her bed, she pulled the covers over her waist and pulled her hair to the side, "just don't break anything." "Me? Never." Starting off gently at the neck, he slowly worked his way down, "lord woman, your entire back is one big know." "I can feel." He shifted his position a few minutes later. Swinging a leg over her, he settled himself on her butt, "too heavy?" "No. Just really weird but if it'll work, continue." After a couple of minutes, "if I could purr, I would." He chuckled at this and continued. While his hands worked, he could feel the well-built muscles in her back and her smooth, slender neck was more than her could bear. Leaning over, he kissed the porcelain skin. Knowing full well he should get off, go to sleep, pace the room, take a cold shower, get away from her invitingly tantalizing body. He did the only thing he wanted to do, kiss her again, relishing the feeling of her breathe in sharply. Straitening back up, he smiled to himself. He was not, however, prepared for what Scully said next. "Would it be easier with bare skin? The material's beginning to rub." Hesitating a moment, he slid his hands under the cloth, "that'll be fine." Reaching her hands up to her collar, she pulled the shirt until she could slip it forward over her head. Leaving her arms in the sleeves and her front still within the shirt. Putting her hands on the bed again, "good?" Mulder said a small prayer that his voice wouldn't crack, then, "should work." The first touch of her warm skin nearly killed him but he remained calm until he had made her muscles nice and loose. Stopping awhile later, he lost the battle to temptation yet again, this time kissing the tips of both her shoulder blades. "you have the softest skin imaginable." Swallowing hard, she answered him, "glad you enjoy it." Lowering his lips again, "do you mind?" "I wouldn't have given you the temptation if I hadn't wanted you there." Pulling his shirt over his head, he leaned over once again, allowing his tingling to cover hers. Whispering in her ear, "should we feel guilty about doing this?" "Considering the circumstances?" "Yeah." "Mom used to say that during a time of death, life should be celebrated. I've mourned Mulder and I'll continue to but right now, I want to feel life again." Turning her head as far as she could, she kissed his nose, "you are my life ... and I don't feel any guilt and neither should you. All right?" Going back to nuzzling her neck, "whatever you say boss." Following her spine down, trailing an infinite number of kisses, he stopped, "do you know you have a tattoo down here?" Deciding to be totally honest, "I have another one as well." "Are you joking?" "Maybe I'll show it to you one day. If you're nice." "Has anyone ever told you you're pure torture?" "No, I can't say that they have." Brushing his fingers over the multi-colored circle, "how long had you wanted one?" "Since I was around six." "Six!!! Were you some kind of Hell's Angels wannabe? Tearing around on your tricycle?" Smiling, "my dad used to ask me the same thing. He'd drill me about what really went on at kindergarten." "When I was six, I was plotting on how to get another cookie from the cupboard while you were out getting liquored up and tattooed." In response, she raised her hips, dumping him on the bed beside her. Both erupted into fits of laughter, causing the bed to shake, "I didn't even put money in the magic finger." This caused only more laughing and bed shaking. When they both had finally settled down, Scully still continued to grin at Mulder, "I gotta say, you do have magic fingers." Twisting a lock of her hair, "thank you." She pulled her shirt back in place, "now I think it's your turn for a backrub." More than willing to oblige, he flipped onto his stomach and she straddled him, kneading the muscles expertly underneath her fingers, "how am I doin'?" "Wonderfully." She worked for another ten minutes or so, and then stopped to give her hands a break, "give me a second and I'll keep going." With his eyes closed, "I'm in heaven. There's no need to continue." Not sure at all that she should be doing this, she followed her feelings instead of her brain. Slipping her shirt completely off, she dropped it silently on the floor. Bending at the waist, she pressed herself against his back, kissing his neck as he had done awhile before. "Scully?" "Yeah?" "Is your shirt on?" Grinning into his skin, "no." "Am I in heaven?" "Depends on your definition of heaven." "Right now I'd define it as your breasts being flush against me." "Then you're in heaven." "Are you trying to kill me?" "And why would you ask that?" "Because in about two seconds, my brain is going to explode from the billions of feeling it's trying to process." Lifting herself a bit, "shall I let you go to sleep then?" Pushing her arms out from under her slightly, she collapsed back on top of him, "God, no." Exploring his neck further, "well, what would you like me to do?" "Lay down next to me." "As you wish." Sliding off him, she laid down on her back and an odd nervousness washed over her. Asking Mulder, who still had his eyes closed, "why do I suddenly feel nervous?" "I'm not sure about you but I'm terrified." "Terrified?" Nodding his head, "that when I open my eyes, you'll disappear." She suddenly forgot her own apprehension and rolled to her side, running a hand through his hair, "open your eyes Mulder." "Will you still be there?" "I don't plan on leaving you for at least a couple hundred years." Opening his eyes quickly, he shut them just as fast, letting a grin play on his lips, "thank you." "Why did you shut them again?" "So I could remember you." A tinge of longing filled her voice, "I'm right here, flesh and bone ... you have the real Scully 6 inches from you." Keeping his eyes open this time, he hungrily took the sight of her in, "I had to make a memory of you like this ... blushing and absolutely beautiful." He slid his way down the bed until his head was level with her chest. Looking up, he asked final permission, "can I?" Nodding to him, "you never have to ask again." The smell of her skin made him dizzy but as soon as his tongue grazed her hardened nipple, he forgot everything but her. Taking the end into his mouth, he tugged just a bit as he sucked. A tingle of fire ran through her body and settled restlessly in her stomach. Without knowing, a small moan emerged from the back of her throat. Mulder, hearing the sound, gently nudged her onto her back without loosing his place. Working his fingers up her side, he gathered a handful of her warm breast, squeezing it while taking more into his mouth. In response, Scully pulled him back to her mouth, kissing his with ever fading patience. Probing every corner of her mouth, Mulder broke the kiss only to stand and free himself of his shorts and boxers and to pull Scully's off her. Straddling her once again, his lips went back to hers as her hands began their own exploration. Mulder suddenly pulled back from the kiss and slid his hips forward so he was sitting closer to her stomach. With a look of surprise on his face, he managed to say, "I'm sorry" before he came all over her chest. Studying his face while it happened, Scully watched him bite his lip and close his eyes, his entire body shivering when he had finished. Opening his eyes back up, he looked in horror from her chest to her face, "I'm sorry!" She just smiled, "don't apologize." "But ... I went way to soon and I didn't want it to happen like this ... it's all my fault." Stopping his ramblings with her hand, "stop. For one thing, it's not your fault and two, it didn't do anything to my mood. You may have furthered it along a bit actually, so why don't you clean us up, then we can play some more." Still looking guilty, he grabbed a towel from the bathroom and mopped both him and Scully up. Getting back into bed, he lay beside her, "I love you." "I love you too." Turning her body, she settled on top of his hips, "now I remember something about continuing to play..." Grinning up at her, her face framed in unruly red waves, "you're doing a whole lot more for me just sitting there." Starting his fingers at the base of her neck, he trailed down between her breasts, around her belly button and through the darker red hair until he was able to reach his goal. The moment his fingers touch her, she shriveled unconsciously and brought her lips down to his once again. Removing his now wet fingers, he wrapped his arms around her, "can I make you come?" "Are you joking?" Taking that as a yes, he flipped her onto her back and leaned across her with one hand supporting him while the other slipped between her legs. Taking a moment to get his bearings, he slowly slid his finger into her. Scully, in the meantime, lost any grasp of the English language she once had and as his finger slowly began moving inside her, her heart beat faster. It only took a few moments for her hips to begin moving, matching the rhythm of Mulder. By now, any inhibitions she may have had went completely out the window. Managing to dig the words up from her brain, she held up two fingers, "two." Mulder, enjoying himself completely, slid a second finger in her and with that, brought Scully to her crescendo. Muscles spasmed around his fingers, only loosening again a short time later. Finally realizing she had a firm grip on the mattress with one hand and Mulder's thigh with the other, she let go of both and opened her eyes back up, which took a minute to remember how to focus, "thank you." Kissing her on the knee, "you have no idea how bad I want to go in right now." With a small smile, she allowed her legs to drop to the sides, "probably about as bad as I want you to." Giving her a surprised look, "but you're done." Chuckling, "I'm no where near finished Mulder ... or am I going to have to do this one myself?" Just the thought of her fingers there sealed the deal. Situating himself between her legs, he slid into her with ease. Surrounded by the moist warmth, he almost came again but forced himself not to. The feelings shooting through her body were almost frightening. Moving to some unconscious pattern, both barreled toward climax. Scully shifting an inch or two, trying to get him in further while Mulder put his hands on her hips, lifting her slightly and pounding in deeper. With a muffled cry, Scully came only seconds before Mulder. Both were covered in sweat as Mulder, still staying inside her, rested his head on her chest. Listening to the wild thudding of her heart, "I love you." With a shuddering whisper, "I love you back." "Would it be okay if I stay here forever?" "I want you here forever." Looking up into her twinkling eyes, "I've been waiting for you for eight years." "Was it worth it?" Covering her lips with his, he stopped the kiss long enough to reply, "beyond imagination." Returning to his love's mouth, Mulder slowly inched his way out of her, trying to hold onto the feeling as long as he could. Eventually though, he did separate himself from her and reached down, pulling the covers over both of them. Scully, nestled snuggly in Mulder's arms, "will you love me forever?" "I live to love you Scully ... if that's the only thing I get to do for the rest of my life, I'd be the happiest man alive." "I know it may sound trite and cliché but I've never felt anything like that before." "Like what?" "That alive. It was as if every nerve in me was on fire." Nuzzling the back of her neck, "you completed me Scully. I've never felt this whole before. I was missing something for years and when you stumbled into that basement, I discovered that I had been missing you. I've loved you forever Scully but tonight, you allowed me to share that love with you, completely." "Will you be mine?" "I've always been yours." $%&$%&$%&$%& Scully woke before Mulder the next morning. For the first time in almost a week, she felt rested and after a good, long stretch, she gave him a kiss and slid out of bed. Pulling only her shirt back on, she shuffled into the kitchen to find some orange juice and maybe a bagel if Mulder hadn't eaten the last one. Taking her glass and a piece of bread (he had gotten the last bagel after all), she opened the blinds and curled up on the couch to re-read 'Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone' from the set her mother had given her for Christmas. She stopped at the note written in the cover: My dear Dana, Fox told me you fell in love with the first but hadn't found time to get to the rest. Enjoy... Merry Christmas honey, I love you, Mom Tears stung her eyes but she smiled them away as she whispered at the words, "it's Mulder mom and I love you too." $%&$%&$%& Thanks for reading ... enter anytime ... my stories like to have visitors (all of which can be found or can be found soon, at the gossamer site - either under Sprys, Laura or Sprys, L.)