Title: An Anonymous Family Author: Gina Rain (ginarain@aol.com) Category: S, A, MSR (sort of) Rating: PG-13 Spoilers: The Truth, William, Jump the Shark, Beyond the Sea Summary: My attempt at taking a sad song, and making it better. Disclaimer: CC and Company own it. Special Thanks: To Carol, who shared an idea for a post-Truth fic she'd like to read. I mutilated it quite a bit but the spark was initially hers. Archive: Sure XXXXXXXXXX In an anonymous rural town, a rather anonymous looking man walked into the local post office. He had his mail transferred to a post office box months ago- -"just in case." That was his sister's phrasing; his crazy sister who, in spite of having her head in the clouds most of the time, was remarkably talented at contingency planning. He smiled as he thought of her. She was the only one who could pull him out of the doldrums of his everyday existence and into this cloak and dagger routine. He wasn't expecting anything after he put his own bills and junk mail into the duffel bag he carried. He had put the key into the lock of the second post office box countless times and come up with nothing. Not even his sister's use of the silly code sentence during their weekly telephone conversation convinced him that things were really going to change at this point. The small door swung open. Two envelopes addressed to "Gourmet Sunflower Seeds" lay in the steel box. No return address on either one. Holy shit. She was right. He willed his hands not to shake as he attempted to carry out his part of the job. He walked over to the counter, transferred the contents into plain, white envelopes--then placed both in a preaddressed mailer: "Missy's New Age Magik." He dropped it in the out of town mail slot. His first assignment was complete. XXXXXXXXXX Maggie Scully took one last look at the headstone. In a strange way, she was satisfied. "Dana Katherine Scully Fox William Mulder Partners. . . in life and beyond." Followed by the pertinent dates of the beginning and end of their lives. They had a small memorial service. There were no remains to bury. After the priest circled the grave one last time, blessing it with the sweet smoke of incense, there was little to do except share a few words with the mourners. There was Bill and his family, a small group of her own friends, some FBI employees and the people who were really important in Fox and Dana's lives. They were less than a handful in number. Walter Skinner packed a lot of emotion into a few words. He gave her a firm handshake and told her she would "always be safe." He'd personally see to it. She believed him with all her heart. After John Doggett kissed her cheek, he quickly whispered in her ear. "You are doing the right thing. The only thing you can do." And finally, Monica Reyes walked over and embraced the older woman. She said nothing for a while then stepped back and grabbed Maggie's hand with both of her own. Maggie felt her slip something into her palm. "My brother sends his condolences," she said, and hugged her once again. She whispered, "They came separately." Maggie slipped Monica's offerings into the pocket of her suit jacket and continued saying her goodbyes. As she finally seated herself in the back of Bill's car, she quickly looked over the contents of her pocket. One sunflower seed and a small picture of a baby boy she knew quite well. She allowed herself a small smile. XXXXXXXXXX 11 PM and an anonymous woman in an anonymous motel room in an anonymous town stood by the bathroom mirror to look for changes. Her hair was now a light brown. The waves she'd been taming into submission every morning for the past decade or so were apparent even within the confines of the pony tail hairdo which would now become her "signature style." Denim replaced designer. A small gold band weighed heavily, but comfortingly, on a formerly ringless finger. Bought as a makeshift passport for traveling together with less complication, its symbolism was not diminished. It represented a promise no less sacred than those blessed by both Church and law. She stopped all action and thought to concentrate on any sounds that might be coming from the next room. There were none. The storm had passed. She had heard the strangled sobs shortly after placing the hair dye on her formerly red locks. She didn't go to him. He was entitled to a grief that was his, and his alone. She carefully opened the door. "Mulder?" she whispered quietly. Their traveling names were only to be used in public. No one was looking for them. Not yet. Of this, they were as certain as they could be. She walked into the room. He was sitting against the headboard--the closed photo album next to him. All traces of his tears were now gone; the only thing giving him away was the more pronounced shade of green in his eyes. "So, what do you think?" she asked, turning her head. Her hair was long enough for her ponytail to bounce against her neck as she moved. "You look like a teenager again," he said. "Liar," she responded, sitting on the bed next to him. She put her hand out to take the photo album from him but he stopped her motions by placing his hand on top of hers. "Can you talk about him? A little?" "Yes. Of course." He looked down at the closed photo album. Ran his index finger down the side of the binding. "Was he. . .a good baby?" "Yes. He was very good. Sweet. Curious. I was. . .overwhelmed. But he took things in stride." Mulder smiled. "He looked very happy in those pictures." "He was." "He grew so much since I saw him. He almost looks like another child." "Well, he still had certain traits that he had on the day he was born. He lost a great deal of his hair and his eyes became a different shade of blue, but otherwise. . .he was beautiful. beautiful," she reminded herself. "I showed him your picture every day, Mulder." Mulder nodded slowly. "He's going to hate us someday," he said finally. "At least he'll be alive to hate us." "Well, for the next ten years, anyway." "Not if we can help it. But, if we can't, those are still ten very precious years." "Yes, they are." Ten years they would miss. Mulder hadn't even had the small amount of time she had with their son. He had never seen William's first, genuine, non-gas related smile. Never felt the child lean his head on his shoulder. He would miss baseball lessons. Teaching him to run, jump, play. He would miss sharing knock- knock jokes and making him laugh from the strange faces he'd make. She mentally shook herself. Her heart would break all over again if she continued to think this way. She took the photo album and brought it across the room . She carefully put it the travelling bag that contained a few changes of clothing and her pictures. That was all. She re-zipped the bag and turned to him. His arms were outstretched and she walked into his embrace. Let herself be cocooned by his warmth. "I can't stop touching you, Scully. I feel--so empty- -when I'm not." "No one asked you to, Mulder." "I should. I'm scuffing you up." She let out a small laugh. "What?" "This fucking facial hair. Not only does it itch like crazy but it's also leaving red marks on your face." "I'll live." He rubbed his growing beard against her cheek. "Yes. You will," he agreed. "We all will. We have to." XXXXXXXXXX An anonymous couple put their baby boy down for the night. Charles Van de Kamp turned to his wife and saw the now familiar frown. "Judy. . ." "I can't help it, Charlie. I can't stop thinking about her. About her loss." "I'm sure she wouldn't want us to do this. I'm sure she'd want us to behave like a normal couple with a seven month old. Not like a couple waiting for the invisible 'other shoe' to drop. It's not good for the baby, and it's not good for you." "You can find things out," she told him, staring him straight in the eye. "You know how." "Yes, I do." "Well, then do it." "That's not part of the plan. Not at all." "The 'plan' was not part of our lives, either. We've made adjustments. We can make adjustments again. This is our life, Charlie. I don't want to live it without knowing the full story. I don't want to live it waiting for it all to fall apart." "It could be dangerous." "It won't be. Please, Charlie. We've. . .we know every precaution." Yes, they did. They were well trained. By several masters. "Fine," he said and went to the living room. He needed time to think. He needed to plan this out to perfection. Their lives depended on it. XXXXXXXXXX Judy was right, of course. Charles put the coded message on the Ramones message board. The following day, he went to the prearranged meeting place. A young man met him. Jimmy. Young, enthusiastic. . .heartbroken. The men who had helped him arrange his new life, and years later, had rigged his house and land with more surveillance equipment than he had ever dreamed of-- were dead. Mulder and Dana were thought to be dead as well, but were not. The appropriate signal had been sent through the appropriate channels. Charles had only met Fox Mulder once. By then, he already owed him his life. Charles was just an ordinary man. He didn't have the mysticism of one sister; the hard-nosed morality and structured life of his brother; the brilliance of yet another sibling. He didn't even particularly look like the rest of his family. He was nondescript in appearance, wasn't overly ambitious and didn't care to distinguish himself in any grand manner. Living life in the best way possible, treating others well--was all he ever cared about. He took a government job because of family connections. And he was in the wrong place at the wrong time and found out more information than he ever wanted to find out. The decision to testify in such a high impact trial was not difficult. It was the right thing to do. The consequences, however, were devastating. His testimony had pissed off a lot of people. The government kindly offered him a new identity and he took it. Well, he took them up on the offer to wipe out all records of the person he had been. He let someone else take care of the new identity part. On the advice of his sister. Dana had already learned enough on her new job to know that the government wasn't entirely reliable. She shared her fears with Mulder and he had his friends contact her brother directly. Charles Scully became Charles Van de Kamp. The last name was Langley's idea. To remind him that when the government "offers you a freebie, consider their motives to be somewhat fishy." He knew some of what went on in the lives of the people he loved. There were various convoluted routes to information sharing. A pain in the neck for all, but a way to stay in touch. And there was always the hope that they'd someday see each other again. It had been hard to stay away. Melissa's death. The arrival of Bill's children. Dana's cancer. Her pregnancy. Charles took his new identity and moved to Wyoming. In a couple of years, he had met Judy. She was a nice, hometown girl. The Gunmen confirmed her background. Bless their souls. She really wanted nothing more than to settle down and have a brood of children. Unfortunately, she couldn't. They swallowed their disappointment and did what other couples did--moved on and lived their lives. Until they received a cryptic message from Fox Mulder last year. Charlie boarded a plane the next day and met him in Arizona. For the very first time. Mulder told him tales that would send most people to the nearest psychiatric institution--to find backup with butterfly nets to catch this strange man. Charlie wasn't most people. "You haven't laughed at me, yet." Mulder said to him. "No. Dana shared some of your earlier adventures when I was still in the loop. I found them strange but. . .well, kind of cool at the time. Now, I find them less "cool," equally strange but, surprisingly. . .believable." Mulder let out a quick laugh and stared at his feet. "I can see a little of Melissa in you." "Yes. I guess the youngest child always carries tiny parts of his older siblings with him." "You don't seem to have any Bill in you. You haven't shown any inclination to kick my ass yet." "Nah. Bill is all right. He just takes life way too seriously." "Maybe he's right. I think, for a few moments, we forgot about how serious life can be. Scully--Dana-- and I, well, last year things became. . .different. One part of what we were searching for was brought to a conclusion. I found out what happened to my sister. And even the "bad guys" were staying away for a while. We thought if there was ever a time to have a normal life. . . Our idea of a normal life included the child Dana wanted so much. That I came to want much. We were going to slowly step away from the more dangerous aspects of our job but. . .it didn't turn out that way." "I gathered that when I got your little signal to come here." "All hell broke loose. I've had to leave Scully and William. . .to keep them safe. I'm working like hell to get back to them but. . .I just don't know. I don't know how safe they are. How safe they will be. Scully and I discussed this a couple of days ago. Before I left. We needed to prepare for. . .everything. And that's where you come in. If-- the situation becomes unbearable. . .if William is no longer safe--we'd like you to take him, Charlie. We'd like you to raise our son." And after Charlie picked his jaw up off the floor, he said yes. Mostly because this was something to say to send Mulder on his way with a good sense of security- -not because it could actually, really, happen. XXXXXXXXXX Yellowstone National Park "Slow down, Mulder. Please." "I can't." "Mulder. . ." He eased his foot off the gas pedal. They were within a few minutes of their destination. They couldn't afford to draw attention to themselves now. Still, an SOS from Charlie Scully. . .Van de Kamp. . .was not something that encouraged calm driving. "There," Scully spotted the huge recreational vehicle before Mulder did. It was near a wooded area, but close enough to a section where RVs were allowed to park for the night. If asked, they could easily say they were on their way to that destination. However, there wasn't a soul in sight except for Charlie. As Mulder put the SUV in park, Scully jumped out and rushed to the brother she had not seen since shortly after their father's funeral. "William?" she asked breathlessly. "He's fine, he's fine," he said, as he scooped her into a tight embrace. She hugged him back and watched as Mulder approached the door of the RV and stopped. "Go on in, Mulder. Someone's waiting for you," Charlie said. "Scul. . ." "No. Go in, Mulder. I'd like to speak to my sister for a few minutes. Alone. My wife is inside. Go on in and see your son." A quick look passed between Mulder and Scully and he opened the door and went in. Within seconds, Judy walked out and nodded to Dana. Then she walked down the small trail into the woods. "Charlie. . .what is going on here? You. . .this is very dangerous. You can't do things like this." "Dana, I've been coming and going now for nearly nine years. Granted, I can't pop up at Mom's place for dinner, but no one is looking for Charles Van de Kamp. And, at the moment, from all I've heard, no one is looking for the two of you, either. So, if we're going to talk, now is the time." "Charlie. . .I want. . ." "What? What do you want?" "I want to see him. But, I'm so scared." "Then put it off for a few minutes. Give Mulder some time with his son. He's never been completely alone with him, has he?" "Not completely. No." "Well, then. He needs this." "Mulder. . .might be uncomfortable with a baby." "Or he might not. You never know. Dana, Judy has not been comfortable. At all. She wasn't comfortable from the beginning and--well, I have to say that I didn't help. I promised Mulder we'd do this before I asked her. When I explained it all, she agreed. But, Dana, she's not used to this stuff. That first day, when William was brought to us, we spent the entire time play acting. Frohike had told us about these high tech gizmos that can be pointed at a house and allow people to hear conversation inside. So, the minute the signal went on that a car was approaching our land, we started acting like we had no clue about the child we were adopting or his parents. Just like any anonymous couple whose baby was about to arrive. It took us hours afterwards to be comfortable with the idea that no one was listening. Even with all the high tech stuff in our house telling us we were all safe." "I'm sorry, Charlie. I know it's a sacrifice. I just couldn't give him to strangers. Not under the circumstances." "No. You're not getting my point. William is a gift. He truly is. But I'm not sure he's still a gift that belongs to us. We have to be sure you haven't changed your minds. I had to give Mulder the opportunity to be part of the decision making." Scully looked at him with wide-eyed anger. "You have no idea what I went through--what brought me to a decision that damned near ripped my soul out." "Dana. . .I understand that. I know you had no choice. I'm not saying you did. But things are different now. Mulder is back. And it's time for you both to choose again. And for me to give you options." XXXXXXXXXX "We could just keep driving," Judy suggested as they drove Mulder and Scully's SUV down another path. William's birth parents needed time to make their decision without having his adoptive parents outside the camper waiting. "They know where we live." "They wouldn't hunt us down, Charlie. By the time they spent a few hours with their child, they'd forget we even exist." "Judy? Do you love him?" "Of course I do. But ever since I found out that Dana and Fox were out there. . .together. . .I can't help but feel that I'm doing something wrong. Keeping them apart." "Well, I can tell you one thing with almost a hundred percent certainty. We'll return to the RV--spend a few days at Yellowstone and go on home. The three of us. I know my sister. She has a world to save." "Oh, is that all?" Charlie burst out laughing. "I'm not kidding, Judy. And neither is she. She can't give me details but she doesn't exaggerate much. Whatever they are doing is really important." Judy nodded slowly. She turned to look at Charlie. "What will we tell William?" "We'll tell him he's adopted as soon as he's old enough to handle it. And that his birth parents love him very much. And later--when we're sure he won't run into his classroom and use the story for show and tell--we'll tell him that the short little lady and the tall man who happens to have the same nose as he does--the strange couple that pops in every once in a while and leaves looking at him as if their world is falling apart--that they are his birth parents. But we are his mommy and daddy." Judy looked straight ahead--a sudden mist of guilty tears in her eyes. "We have to do this, Judy. We have to free ourselves to be that for him. He deserves it. And so do Mulder and Dana. They have to be able to go out there and do what they need to do--knowing that we are doing everything in our power to give this child happiness and security." XXXXXXXXXX Scully took a deep breath before she had walked into the RV. There hadn't been a sound from the interior for the entire time she was talking to Charlie. She was afraid of seeing Mulder with William. Afraid of the look that would prove that he resented her for her decision. Afraid for what he was feeling and would continue to feel. And she was afraid of her own feelings. Of taking a still very much opened wound and prying it apart. She stepped into the camper and found them both on the floor. Mulder was holding his child while leaning against the wall. His knees were up--probably to brace the baby he had no intention of moving one inch away from his body. William was playfully slapping this strange man on both sides of his head. Mulder barely noticed as Scully fell to the ground next to them, until the baby's gurgling greeting made Mulder move his tear streaked face away from the boy's. He carefully handed William to Scully and put his arms around both of them. "He's so big," she said after a few moments of cuddles and tears. Mulder nodded. It was time to give him choices. She knew the answers but Charlie was right. These decisions had to be made by the two of them. "Charlie. . .and his wife. . .Judy. . .have two offers to make us." Mulder looked up from the finger William had grasped, and swallowed hard. Was he ever going to say anything? "One--I guess you can figure out. They are offering to give him back--to take our car and leave us with William." Mulder looked down quickly. Answer #1. "Option two is. . .we all pile in their camper and go off and live together--create a kind of compound where we could assemble all the connections the Gunmen left for us to contact. That we could go off whenever we needed and they would watch William but we would all. . .parent. . .in a way, together." That got a small, sad smile from him. The few tears that had been standing in his eyes spilled over and kissed Williams' hair. Answer #2. They were the only answers open to them. XXXXXXXXXX "No matter what, Dana. Once or twice a year, I expect us to meet. Either at our home or wherever you want. You may think you don't have rights but you need this. We all do. And, if there ever is a compound. . .we'd be willing to live there. At that point, the offer might be different as far as who is doing the actual parenting, but you would still get to know your child." She threw her arms around her sweet, rather innocent, brother. A child growing up with wide, open spaces or one holed up with a lot of high-strung adults. Tough choice. But the semi-annual meetings appealed to her. She'd have to discuss it with Mulder. They would have to find out if anyone was actually looking for them. She went back into the trailer for their final goodbye. For this time, anyway. Mulder was already saying his. He was holding William as he held him that very first time. William was a bit confused, a little tired and a little curious over the fuss that was being made over him. "Daddy will love you forever," she heard him say. He kissed him on the forehead and passed him to Scully. XXXXXXXXXX The rest of the goodbyes passed in a blur. Scully needed to leave. Badly. She fiercely hugged the woman who would be her child's mother. . .trying to give her all the strength she could, in case she ever truly needed it. She watched as Mulder approached Charlie. "Thank you. . .you have no idea. . ." "I have every idea, Mulder. And I just want you to know, I will do everything. . .to protect him. Everything. And if something happens to me, Judy knows where to run and how to reach you. Try to put your mind at ease." Mulder nodded. He believed what Charlie told him. They could not have made a better choice. XXXXXXXXXX They were on the road for hours before either of them spoke. The air had been filled with the sounds of miles of road going by and an occasional sniffle or swallowed sob. "Are you sorry we did this, Mulder?" she asked quietly. "No. If I ever had any doubts about exactly what we're fighting for. . .I don't anymore. I'm ready." She reached her hand across the seat and he took his right had off the wheel and grasped hers. He sighed heavily. "Before we start, though, we need to find a jewelry shop." "It's not necessary, Mulder. . ." "Yes. It is. It's part of who you are. Of who I always want you to be." She smiled softly and squeezed his fingers. Another phase of life was about to begin. XXXXXXXXXX Maggie Scully looked at the latest contribution given to her by Monica Reyes. This time, she could smile freely. It was another picture. Little William--at home in Wyoming. Sitting in a baby bathtub. At the moment the picture had been taken, the overhead light had created a tiny spotlight--on a familiar gold cross that hung on a small chain around the baby's neck. The End. Author's Notes: Do you know why I generally write happy stories? Simple. I get too emotional over angst. I didn't intend to write a post-The Truth fic because I liked the ending--given the circumstances. However, a lovely lady named Carol shared an idea for a post- episode fic she'd like to read, and I got so excited over one part of what she said, that I was off and running before the day was up. It helped me "fix" the really sad tone to the last scene. Not that this isn't equally sad but at least we know William is in good hands and Mulder and Scully may have some future contact with their son. Still in keeping with the finale but making it just a bit better. By the way, I sang "Hey, Jude" to myself while writing most of this. Hence, the summary at the beginning. No infringement intended there, either .