From: Date: Mon, 28 Sep 1998 21:25:10 EDT Subject: Desideratum II: Found (1/11) R.Anton & L.Blaurosen TITLE: Desideratum II: Found (1/11) AUTHORS: Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen E-MAIL: and RATING: NC-17 CATEGORY: S, A, R KEYWORDS: MSR, angstfest SPOILERS: Let's be safe and say US season 5 and FTF DISTRIBUTION: Anywhere as long as our names and e-mail addys go with it DISCLAIMER: We don't own Mulder, Scully, Skinner, Bill and Maggie Scully, or the concept of Charles Scully. All the other characters are ours though :) SUMMARY: How far is too far to go in the name of love? Desideratum II: Found by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen part 1/11 Friday, 5 am Georgetown Medical Center Mulder sank down into the stiff hospital chair and tried to let his eyes close. Just for a minute. He knew he needed some rest. He was running on absolute empty. He hadn't slept since two days before they'd found her, and that was already almost forty-eight hours ago. But even now, he was too wired, too full of adrenaline to let himself go. She was still unconscious. The doctors seemed to think that was okay. She had a large amount of hallucinogens in her system and she was dangerously underweight but they said they would take care of all that. That she would wake up soon enough, as soon as her body had some time to recover and she had some strength back. She was going to be okay. That's what they said. Physically at least. Mentally...that was another issue. One that Mulder had only allowed himself to speculate on briefly. Such a trauma, it was hard to know what kind of psychological damage there would be. It all depended on what kind of things Jane had said and done to her. And there was no way of knowing that until she woke up and told him. If she told him. He had no idea if she would do that. He wouldn't be surprised if she never wanted to see him again in fact. After all, this whole thing was more or less because of him. He'd brought that psychotic bitch into her life, into both of their lives. It had been him that she was fixated on. It had been him she was really trying to get to by taking Scully. Upon further search of her apartment, several more of his journals and other personal belongings had been discovered in addition to her little shrine du Mulder. It seemed that she had surmised enough about him through her spying and other intrusions to know that the one obstacle between her and the object of her desire was Scully. She knew, probably better then anyone else, how he felt about Scully. Probably far better then Scully herself knew. It made Mulder sick enough to vomit. And vomit he had. For the past several hours he'd been traveling between Scully's bedside and the toilet. It was his worst fear realized. For the millionth time. Someone had used Scully to get to him. Hurt her to manipulate him. He wondered why. Why was it his lot in life to have the people he loved endlessly tortured because of him? This time it wasn't even the Consortium or some dark unknown force. It had been his fucking cleaning lady, for Christ's sake. Would they ever be safe? Was the entire world against them? He sighed and shifted uncomfortably again. At least he'd finally gotten in to see her. When the doctors had finished with her they had told him that only her immediate family would be allowed to see her until she was moved out of ICU. He would never be able to forget that smug-assed look Bill Scully had given him about that one. Charlie had defended him, protesting vehemently that Mulder WAS family, but nobody else agreed with that assessment. So he'd waited until Mrs. Scully and Bill and Charlie had gone home and then proceeded to create the biggest hospital scene ever in his long history of hospital scenes. He managed to convince them that Scully was still in danger and that he was her personal FBI body guard. After sufficient yelling and badge waving he'd finally been granted entry and he'd been by her side ever since. She shifted in her sleep. It was the first movement he'd seen from her since she'd lost consciousness. He clutched her hand tighter in his own. He'd been holding it for the past 9 or 10 hours, hoping that she could feel it, that it might be some kind of lifeline for her. He looked over at the monitors she was hooked up to. Her lines were shifting and flashing in the relative darkness of the room. She was waking up. Or at least shifting from total lack of consciousness to a sleeping state. He touched her face lightly with his free hand. "Scully? You there?" Her skin was cold and clammy. She jerked when he touched her. Suddenly the calm peaceful look on her face shifted. She looked strained and agitated. "Scully, it's okay. You're okay." He leaned over and whispered in her ear. "Shhh, it's okay now." Her body twitched and before he knew what was happening she started thrashing around violently. She looked like him during his worst nightmares, hitting blindly at unknown assailants, pulling at the bed sheets. And her IV. God, her cast! She was all over the place. And she was going to hurt herself if he didn't stop her. He did the only thing he could think of. He climbed into the tiny bed with her and wrapped his arms around her and tried like hell to wake her up. xxxxxx "You think you can get away from me that easily, you little bitch?" Scully opened her eyes to see Jane again, her eyes looking wilder than ever. Scully's heart pounded with the worry of what this woman might do to her next. "No," she whimpered. "No, please, Jane. Please don't." But where had Mulder gone? She could have sworn he'd just been there and Charlie? It had been Charlie's voice she'd heard. And Mulder. Mulder had promised not to leave..."Mulder, where's Mulder?" "He isn't here, dammit. He doesn't care about YOU!" Jane screamed. "Fuck you, Dana Scully. Fuck you, you ugly," she jumped on Scully, pinning her down on the bed with her leg, her knee pressed into Scully's sternum and constricting her breath. "You no good, ugly piece of-," she grabbed her around the neck and squeezed, "of...NOTHING!" "No," she tried to scream and grabbed for Jane, beating her fists wildly at her and squirming. She couldn't move Jane off of her, couldn't breathe. "No, don't, dammit! Leave me alone, please," she screamed. "No, please, please, stop. Stop it! NO!!" "SCULLY!" she heard, but it wasn't Jane's voice she'd heard. "No! Leave me alone!" she screamed, continuing to pound her fists. "Scully, please, open your eyes. Open your eyes and see me." Slowly she became aware of Mulder's presence. He was lying in front of her, holding her still by her arms. She stared at him, wide-eyed with terror for a few moments. Thank God, he was here. He was here. Oh, thank God. She couldn't help but start to cry. And soon began to hyperventilate. Mulder; she had to tell him about her. "Mulder, don't let her," she gasped twice. "She's... she's- don't let her hurt me anymore. Mulder, she's hurting me." She stopped speaking because she was unable to get her breath under control. "Scully, come on, you've got to relax. Come on, *breathe* with me, breathe." He took a deep breath and held her close to him, then let it out long. "In. Out. In. Out. No one's going to hurt you anymore," he whispered in her ear. "Where is she, Mulder, where is she? You have to-" "Police took her away. She's not going to hurt you anymore. She can't. You're at the hospital now." He stroked her hair rhythmically. She pulled away and looked at him, trying hard to focus on him, to make sure he was real. It was dark in the room and by now she was somewhat aware that she was in a hospital bed. Why Mulder was in the bed with her, she did not know, but it was most certainly him. She knew his presence better than anyone's. And she was glad he was there. She couldn't quite see him clearly, "I thought," she sobbed, "I thought you weren't going to find me. I thought you weren't going to find me." "God, Scully, I am so," he paused a moment, looking over her bruised face. "So sorry." She couldn't help crying. Both from relief and residual feelings of fright. She buried her face in his chest. "Go ahead and cry, Scully," she heard him say quietly. "Just do it." "Don't go, Mulder. Promise me you won't leave." She moved her left arm so that she could hold him even closer and whimpered quietly into his chest. "Not going anywhere, Scully." After a few moments she said, "Mulder?" "Yeah?" "What time is it?" She felt him shake against her. "You have no idea how happy I am to hear you ask me that," He spoke into her hair. "So easily pleased you are Mulder." She muttered as he gently placed her back against the pillows and lay down beside her. "Just rest now Scully. I'll be here." xxxxxx Saturday 12:35 PM Mulder walked nervously through the hall towards Scully's room. She was finally out of ICU and supposedly feeling somewhat better. It was the first time he was going to see her awake since she'd first regained consciousness. He couldn't help but worry about what her emotional state would be. She was bound to be feeling pretty strange. She was simultaneously detoxing from weeks worth of hallucinogens and being filled with pain killers and Valium. Not to mention the memories. And on top of all of that, he couldn't help but wonder how she was feeling about him now that she was completely conscious. Did she remember their fight? Did she still hate him for it? Thankfully she was alone when he got to her room. None of the Scully's were anywhere to be seen. She was sitting up in her bed staring out the window. Her broken arm was set in a cast that went all the way up to her shoulder and was held in place with a sling. She looked thin and pale. When she turned to him, her eyes were glassy. "Mul'r, s'at you?" "Yeah, it's me." He sat down next to the bed and took the hand of her unbroken arm. "How ya doin?" She wasn't sure how to answer that. She felt pretty good but somewhere in the back of her mind she understood that it was because of the chemicals the doctors kept putting in her body. "Mmm...okay." He seemed very blurry to her but she could tell he was not okay. "How'r you?" He smiled and chuckled. "I'm fine, Scully. Don't worry about that." "Why you laughin? S'not funny." She had a sudden and strange flash, a memory of something from Jane's, something she'd seen. "Mul'r, your arm, how's your arm?" He looked at her strangely for a moment. "Fine...Scully, it's fine..." A white blur glided into the room. The nurse. "S'at's my nurse...Mulder." "How are you feeling Ms. Scully?" "I'm a doctor, nurse. Well, no just a doctor. You're my nurse and I'm the doctor. *A* doctor. And an FBI agent, too. You know that, nurse? Didjew know that?" Scully was barely aware of the woman taking her blood pressure as she continued to babble on. "Mulder's my partner. He's a good partner. I love him." "That right?" the nurse said absently. "Yeah. Hey, Mulder," she turned toward him. "Close your mouth, Mulder. Hey, Mulder," she said again, "This is my nurse. She's a good nurse. Brings me Vicadin." She shut her eyes. "I love her." "Vicadin's definitely taking effect," the nurse said to Mulder as she made notes on Scully's chart. "She should sleep for a while, now." Mulder watched Scully's features go completely slack as she drifted into sleep. He eyed the nurse somewhat suspiciously. "You seem to be pumping her full of a lot of drugs." That was the understatement of the universe. She'd just professed her love to him, causing his heart to do a triple flip in his chest until he'd realized it was the Vicadin, not Scully talking. He didn't like it. It made him nervous to see her so out of control, so outside herself. "Is that normal?" The nurse rolled her eyes at him. "Yesterday you were complaining that she was in too much pain, that we weren't giving her *enough* drugs. I told you then and I'm telling you now, everything we are doing for her is completely standard procedure." She patted his hand in an attempt at sympathy, despite her obvious irritation. "She's going to be fine, sir. Just fine." She left the room without bothering to try to convince Mulder to make his exit. It didn't seem worth the effort. She started to snore lightly and he smiled. Scully never, ever snored. She was way out of it. He yawned and rubbed his eyes with his free hand. He was only just starting to feel capable of sleep. He leaned over and rested his head on the bed, next to Scully's arm and placed a light kiss on her wrist before closing his eyes. "We'll make this better Scully. I promise." xxxxxx 10:50 PM "GET THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" Scully screamed and sat up straight in the bed. She was shaking and sweaty, just like when he'd found her at Jane's. He climbed into the bed as best he could and pulled her to him. She rested her forehead on his chest and continued to pant. "I...," she started and felt tears start to fall. "It was, I saw, oh, Mulder." She quit trying to speak, but let into her sobs instead. "Shh, Scully," he whispered, stroking her hair rhythmically. "Just let her go Scully. Let her go." She nodded against his chest. "I'm trying," she said almost audibly between holding back tears. "I'm trying so hard." She brought her hands to her face to help her hold back tears. She didn't want to cry over this. It was silly. Stupid. Why should she cry now? She was safe. Mulder was here with her and safe as well. What was there to cry about? She started to relax and enjoy the feel of Mulder's cheek brushing back and forth over the top of her head. He was speaking something quietly. What is was he was saying she was unsure of but it was so soothing nonetheless. She was safe and everything would soon be normal again. But it wouldn't ever be the same. No, it wouldn't because of her face. Her hideous, disfigured face. Scully's heart began to pound and she sat up straight in the bed again, ripping herself away from Mulder. "Scully-" "Mulder, please go now." "What-" "Mulder, please *go*." She turned away from him completely and swallowed down more tears. She shut her eyes and prayed he wasn't looking at her. God, he'd seen her all this time, a repulsive, disgustingly scarred face. His beautiful face that he'd told her he loved so much. Mulder felt a panic begin to set in. It was finally happening. She was remembering what he'd done, the way he'd treated her that night. She didn't want him anywhere near her. After a few moments he said, "Scully...Scully, I didn't know... well, I still don't know, but I want...I *need* to apologize. For what happened between us. For what I tried - did - to you." Oh God, what was he talking about this for? Was she so horribly disfigured he wasn't even able to address it? "Mulder, I want you to leave." She wasn't going to forgive him. And he couldn't even blame her for it. Who could forgive that? He didn't deserve her forgiveness. He didn't even deserve to be sitting in the same room with her and she knew it. He was silent for a long while and seemed to only be sitting on the very edge of the bed, not moving. "Scully, will you please, would you please at least look at me? Look at me and tell me you don't hate me." She turned her body toward him and tried to look up. She had her hands shielding her far on either side of her face, as though she were blocking out sun. She could not, however, stand to look at him. Not when she looked like she did. "Scully. *Please*." He took her right shoulder and nudged at it to face him. She lowered her head even further. "Mulder, don't. Don't look at me." God, it was even worse than he thought. She didn't even want him to see her face. She was probably afraid he'd start molesting her again if he looked at her. "Don't look at you? Why? Why shouldn't I look at you?" She swallowed hard and a sob escaped despite her. "Scully, please. Talk to me. What is it? Why don't you want me to look at you?" "You KNOW why!" She cried into her hands. "Because of what I look like. Because of...because of what she did to me. To my face. Now just go, Mulder." She sobbed more, quietly. For a moment he was utterly confused. Then he remembered what her doctor had said. Jane had been drugging her. Hallucinogens. It was very possible that Scully was seeing things that weren't there. "Scully, there's nothing wrong with your face. *Nothing*." His tone was compassionate. He was lying to make her feel better. "It's just a little scarred, that's all. It's gonna heal and be normal again." She felt Mulder's hand stroking her cheek and jumped, tearing it away. She looked at him finally. "Just SAY it, Mulder! Just tell me! Tell me what the doctor told you. Tell me how I'm never going to look the same. Why can't you just say it, Mulder? Don't lie to me, damn you! Please don't lie to me!" Mulder's eyes were wide and cloudy. "I would never, Scully." It was true, she just knew it. He just couldn't bring himself to tell her. But she knew better. They were unable to fix it, to make her look like she had before. "Scully, the scars are going to heal. They were all-" "Dammit, Mulder, she threw hydrofluoric acid in my FACE! All over." A picture of what she might look like popped into her mind's eye suddenly. She cried harder. "Scully, she didn't. It was peroxide, Scully. Hydrogen peroxide. And your scars are gonna heal all the better because she did do that." "Dammit, Mulder, I think I know the difference between those two substances. Now quit denying it, Mulder. Just stop it." He sighed once and encouraged her to lie down again. She conceded and immediately turned away from him, returning her hand next to her ear, pulling her hair toward her cheek as a shield. He said he would be right back, but she didn't care. When the door shut, she felt more tears come. She had nearly fallen asleep when she heard a noise. She looked up and saw a dark figure approach her. She jumped and sat up defensively. "Here, take a look, Scully." Mulder was holding a mirror to her face. Her breath quickened and panic set in. She couldn't look. She wouldn't. "No." "Scully, just look, and you'll see. See that you don't look any different except for a few bruises." He was sure once she looked it would be better. He needed to bring her back to reality. Back to him. Even if she hated him. At least she would be Scully. "I said NO Mulder!" she screamed and began to thrash about. She grabbed the mirror from him and threw it clear across the room, sending it into the wall to shatter over the floor. Shatter into thousands of irreparable pieces. Ruined. She cried uncontrollably now. Mulder tried desperately to console her, but she only yelled at him to stop, to leave her alone and continued to thrash at him. "What the hell is going on in here?" The nurse yelled when she entered the room. Before Scully was even aware, a doctor and two nurses were in the room, holding her down, one of them sticking a needle in her arm. And Mulder was leaving. She reached toward him to make him stay. "Mul...Mul.."she tried to call to him, but he was gone before he could hear her. end part 1 Desideratum II: Found by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen part 2/11 Sunday 8:00 a.m. "Dana? Dana honey it's me? Can you see me? Are you awake?" "Mmm...wha?" She pried open her heavy lids. She felt empty. Like she had no life left in her body and her head felt as though it was filled with cement. "Mulder?" He was gone. Where? "No, it's mom. Honey, how are you feeling?" "Mmm...drunk, dizzy," she sighed. Her mother took a seat beside her on the bed. She held Scully's hand, at least it seemed that she'd done that. "Mom?" "Yes?" "Why do they...why do they keep putting depressants into me?" "Uh, Dana, sweetheart, Dr. Lacuesta is here. He wants to talk with you." Talk? What the hell for? All she wanted was to sleep again. And she wanted Mulder back in the room with her. Where had he gone anyway? He promised he'd stay. He'd promised. "Mom, I don't want Dr. Lacuesta here, I want Mulder back here. Why did he..." She stopped when weakness began to overtake her. "Ms. Scully, how are you?" She wished people would stop asking her that same goddam question every other fucking second. She felt like shit, looked like shit. Oh, God, I look like shit... "Dana, honey, we wanted you to show you; show you that there isn't anything wrong with your face. That that... woman...she didn't ruin your face." "I don' wanna look, mom. Don' wanna." She heard the doctor ask her several yes or no questions about how she was feeling and if she wanted to talk about anything. That was a definite no. She wasn't telling anybody. "Okay, Dana, I'm going to put a mirror in your hand. You can keep your eyes shut for as long as you want. I just want you to hold it." Scully could now feel her body because it was shaking from the inside out. No! We are bigger than this. Stronger. It's just a mirror. A mirror. All you have to do is hold it in your hand. She felt her mother take her left hand and place the handle of a mirror in it. "Okay, Dana? You've got it in your hand now. You have control." Mom was right. She had control in the situation. She had a choice to look or not. She could look. She would. She opened her eyes slowly and peered cautiously into the glass. Normal. She looked like herself. No burns, no abrasions. Just a few cuts, like Mulder had told her. Mulder had told her that and still she lashed out at him. Like a lunatic. Like Jane "Mom. I...I don't..." Tears fell down her cheek and she felt her mother embrace her. "Dana," she said into her ear. "You need to tell someone." xxxxxx 10 am Mulder woke in a daze to see two large figures hovering over him. His eyes eventually focused and he remembered where he was. He realized he must have fallen asleep here at some point last night, in the little chair outside Scully's room. The nurse had thrown him out after the mirror smashing incident and he'd been sitting out there all night. The figures standing before him were Charlie and Bill Scully. Charlie was tapping him on the shoulder to wake him and Bill was glaring at him with barely concealed disgust. For the first time in a long time, Mulder thought about what he must look like. He hadn't shaved in about a week and he'd been wearing the same clothes for days. He could barely remember what a shower felt like. He realized he probably looked and smelled more like a bum than an FBI agent. And that that's exactly how Bill Scully was looking at him, as if he were a bum living in a garbage dumpster. But with less pity and more hatred. "Mulder, we're gonna go in and see Dana for a bit. Do you wanna join us?" That was, of course, Charlie. Mulder heard Bill grumble something under his breath about last night and he realized the doctor must have told them about what had happened. He shook his head sadly. "I can't." Charlie crossed his arms over his chest and scowled. "What do you mean you can't? Come on man, get up." He gestured his head towards Scully's door. "I mean that I can't. I'll just upset her again. The doctor threw me out." He wished they would both go away and leave him alone because he was starting to get choked up thinking about it all again. The last thing he needed was for Bill Scully to see him fall apart. But Charlie wouldn't give up. He grabbed Mulder's elbow and tugged on it. "Give me a break, Mulder. Come on..." "No! Don't you understand? She doesn't want to see me. She doesn't want me to see her. I can't." Bill rolled his eyes at Charlie. "He's right. Let's just go." He gave Mulder a final glare and stalked into Scully's room. Charlie started to follow him and then looked back at Mulder. "Don't let him win." "I ca..." "Just don't. No matter what." xxxxxx "Mulder?" she called and forced her eyes open. Through a haze she saw a man's body standing over her. "Hey, Dana. S'me, Bill. You look awful," he said, laughing at her. "Where's Mulder?" she insisted, trying to make the area around Bill come into focus. "Mulder...Mulder's supposed to be there-here. Where did you put him?" "He's not here right now, Dana. But I am. So's Charlie." She peered at his smile. It was the smuggest look she'd ever seen. He's done something with Mulder. He'd better bring him back here. Mulder was the only one who would help her, save her. "Fuck-off, Bill," she yelled. "Get Mulder now, goddammit! Where did you put him, Bill? WHERE? YOU NEED TO GET HIM HERE!" She turned her head to the side to see a dark-haired tall blur. Mom? Mulder, maybe? No, Charlie. Charlie. I love Charlie. He'll find Mulder. "Where is he, Charlie?" she asked, her voice desperate. "You've got to get him here for me, Charlie. Now! Now, dammit." "Okay, Dana, okay, I'll get him for you. Just relax. He's just outside." She grabbed his hand and pulled. "He's supposed to be here. He said he'd stay here." She saw Charlie move to the door and shout something frantically. It sounded like "Get your fucking ass in here now dammit!" but Charlie wouldn't talk to Mulder that way. Would he? "Scully?" Thank God, he's still here. Thank God. "Mulder? Oh Mulder." She saw him move toward her in slow motion in a blur not unlike the forms her brothers had taken on. But she knew it was him. Thank God. When he took her hand, she pulled him down to her and grabbed him around the neck. "You weren't supposed to go away, Mulder. You said you'd stay. I need you to stay." "Okay, okay, I'm here. Can I grab the chair?" She nodded so he sat down beside her. He was glad that she'd been calling for him but also afraid. Had she forgotten last night? She was so inconsistent. It just wasn't like her. "Mulder...I saw...I looked. They made me look. I'm sorry Mulder..." She drifted off and he saw tears starting to trail down her face. She did remember. That was a good sign. "Who made you look Scully?" "The doctor. My mom. They showed me my face. I'm so sorry." He took her hand again and wiped her cheek with his free hand. "'s okay." "It's not...I was so awful to you. Mulder, it's not!" She jerked up to a sitting position and her expression was frantic again. "Hey, no, shh..." He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close to him. She was sobbing against his shoulder and he started rocking her, trying to calm her. He knew she had to be as terrified by her loss of control as he had been. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Charlie nudge Bill and nod towards the door. He hoped Bill would listen but knew in his heart that he wouldn't. After what had happened it didn't seem like Bill would want him alone with his sister ever again. "I...I don't know why...I didn't...God, I'm so sorry.." She was panting and choking on her tears as she tried to get out the words. He pulled back a little and took her face in his hands, forcing her to look into his eyes. "It's okay, Scully. It's okay." She took a deep breath and seemed to calm down a little. He kissed her forehead gently for a long moment. Then he remembered Bill and Charlie were still in the room and pulled back self- consciously. "Hey, you were drugged," he joked and she smiled. She actually smiled. And his heart lifted and soared and he forgot about everyone and everything else. He made her smile. It was the first time since he'd found her that he'd seen that beautiful expression. And then, even more stupendously, she laughed. It was a short laugh, more of a snort than anything else, but it was the most amazing sound he'd ever heard. She was so gorgeous, so perfect. He realized with a pang in his heart that he needed to tell her. That she needed to know exactly how perfect she was. "Scully, I hope that you know that it wouldn't matter to me. I mean if she'd done what you thought she had to your face, it wouldn't matter to me. I hope that you'd still want me to look at you." He heard a heavy sigh behind him and turned around. Bill was still there, scowling at him, but Charlie had left. He realized his hands had drifted down to Scully's neck and shoulders and he almost pulled them away. But it seemed to be comforting her, and that was more important than Bill's judgments. He turned back to her and saw that she was still smiling. She nodded. "I know. I mean...I should have known...I know that you would still be here and that you'd be my friend..." "No, Scully..." She still didn't understand. He leaned in as close as he could to her face without actually kissing her and whispered, "That's not what I mean. I mean that's all true but what I mean is that no matter what happens Scully, to'll always be the most beautiful woman. In the world." She swallowed and her eyes watered up again. But she was still smiling that perfect smile. "Th...thank you." she choked out. She looked happy. Finally, finally he'd done the right thing. They were both silent for a few minutes, just staring at each other and grinning. "Mulder..." "Yeah?" "You're smelly." He laughed and nodded. "Pretty observant Agent Scully." "Go home Mulder, go home and take a bath or something. Stinkin up the place..." She leaned back against the pillows again and waved her hand in front of her nose for emphasis. "Scully, I don't wanna leave you..." "Mulder go, I'll be fine. So sleepy...please go, just take care of yourself for a little bit. Please." Her eyes drifted shut and she seemed to be falling back asleep. She muttered, "Please" again and he nodded. "Okay Scully. But I'll be back real soon." He took her hand and lifted it to his mouth. He placed a lingering kiss on her palm under Bill Scully's irritated gaze and left. xxxxxx 5:45 PM Charlie took his mother into his sister's room. He watched her face as she viewed Scully's, all bruised and scarred. Her look went from sad, to concerned, then almost angered in a matter of moments. She moved to stand on Scully's right and he took a seat in what had become Mulder's chair. After a few minutes, Scully stirred and woke slowly. She saw Charlie first, trying to make him come into focus. He watched her eyes brighten as much as the swelling on her face would allow. He returned it with a smile. "Hey, jailbird," she said with a groggy voice, "You go AWOL?" He took her hand and chuckled a little. "No, believe it or not, I'm on leave. Really. How do you feel?" "Sore. Tired. Where-do you know if Mulder is here?" Charlie reminded her that Mulder had followed her orders and left for home. "Aren't you hungry, sweetheart? You've hardly touched your dinner." "Hey, mom," Scully turned and greeted her mother. "No, I'm fine. Not really hungry." Maggie smiled at her and ran a hand through Scully's hair. She shook her head. "What...what kind of person..." "An extremely sick one. One who had many serious emotional problems." "So that gives her the right to do this to you?" Scully sighed. "No, no it doesn't," she said. "But that's why she'll get the help she needs now." "Help?" Maggie crossed her arms and turned away. "She ought to be locked up for life. People like that don't deserve to get *help*." "Mom," Charlie stopped her from going on a tirade. "Do we need to bother Dana with all of this right now?" Their mother took a deep breath and spoke quickly and nervously. "It's just that I...I can't help but wonder a lot of times that if you'd never...," she trailed off. "Mom? If I'd never what?" "Nevermind, Charlie's right. Let's not talk about it now. You need to get better first." "No, mom, just say it. What difference does it make when?" Her mother sighed again and Scully felt Charlie squeeze her hand at that moment, transferring his support. "Dana, I can appreciate that you place great deal of importance on your job. I know you feel that it is the most significant part of your life. But sweetheart, that's it exactly, you may not *have* a life anymore if you stay doing what you're doing. If you stay with..." "Mom, what is it exactly that you are suggesting?" She felt Charlie's other hand on her forearm now. "Are saying I should quit working with Mulder?" "Mom, let's not, let's not right now," Charlie begged. He knew perfectly well what his mother was thinking. It seemed that anytime he ever talked to her anymore, the conversation led back to whether or not Dana should be doing the work she does. And especially the role that Mulder played in all of it. "I just refuse to outlive another one of my children," she said in a shaky voice. "Well, if you're waiting for me to agree with you, don't. It's just not...It won't happen, mom. Scully turned to look at Charlie. With a look, he offered her strength and compassion and for a split second she realized how much like Mulder he was. Scully felt Charlie squeeze her arm and hand again, this time gently holding it. He could feel her shaking. He stared his mother down a moment, willing her in his mind to not continue with this "Well, I can't get anywhere when the two of you gang up against me like this. I never could." She sighed yet again and added, "What is most important now is your recovery." "I agree," Scully said. "Really, you guys, I'm not that bad, just a little weak, that's all." "That's all?" Charlie questioned. "Yes." Charlie looked at his mother and she gave him a knowing nod. She was pushing it away, just like she'd done all her life with situations like this, situations where she felt powerless. She'd play it off like they didn't matter. Almost reading Charlie's thoughts, Scully offered a plausible explanation. "When you first are taken off iv it takes a while to get used to eating solids. The pain medication can really suppress the appetite as well as interfering with normal sleep patterns." Charlie nodded slowly and their mother squeezed her hand. "I'm fine. I'll be fine. Everything's under control. Thank you for your concern." "Well," Maggie Scully said, "Let's let you rest a while." "I'll be with you in second, mom," Charlie told her as she left the room. He turned back to Scully and smiled. "Thank you, Charlie. For everything. For what you did for me...for Mulder. Just, thanks." He bent down and kissed her head. "S'why I'm here." "What do you think?" He smiled. "A really great guy, Dana. Really great. He cares for you deeply. Deeply." Scully felt a warmth pass through her and then an extreme longing. She could barely wait for his return. In fact she felt herself becoming more and more ill at ease with him gone so long. She sent her love to Charlie's family as he left the room. She turned on the television and proceeded to blindly flip through all 79 channels, over and over. 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 21...Soon she knew nothing else but the numbers flashing by at the corner of the television. Anything to clear her head so she wouldn't think. So she couldn't remember. xxxxxx 6:25 PM Mulder half walked, half jogged down the hall towards Scully's room. He was in much better spirits than he'd been in a long time. He'd done as she'd requested of him and gone home for a few agonizing hours. Long enough to shower, shave, brush his teeth, change from his filthy T-shirt and jeans into a much more respectable pair of jeans and a white dress shirt, and put on a bit of the cologne that seemed to make Scully smile when she sniffed it in the air. He wanted to make her smile again. He wanted to look and smell and just BE perfect for her. He wanted to make the night special. Something to make her forget that she was lying in a hospital bed, to help her let go of the reason she was there, and, he supposed, he wanted to make up for the way he'd treated her before this whole thing had started. He wanted to give her the night he should have given her in the first place and to apologize for what she'd gotten instead. Something fun. And normal. God, how they both needed something normal again. She seemed to be feeling better. True, she was still a little out of it from the drugs but she'd been more coherent and like herself this morning than he'd seen her in a long time. She'd smiled. She'd laughed. She'd had a somewhat normal conversation with him. He took these all as good signs and indication that it was time to start her recovery. The first step was to make her feel safe and happy and comfortable. He knew she hated hospital food, fluorescent lights, the antiseptic smell, all the things that reminded her that she wasn't in her home but in a cold, sterile institution. He wanted to make that better for her, if only for a little while. Scented candles, a CD player with some of her favorite classical music, and her absolute favorite meal and chicken lo mein from their regular Chinese restaurant might do the trick. He just hoped she wouldn't see his accouterments as another lame attempt at seduction. He just wanted her to have a decent meal for a change. She was so skinny. And so was he for that matter. Neither of them had enjoyed a good dinner for a long long time. The smell from the bag was making his mouth water by the time he reached her door. He knocked lightly on the door and was happy and surprised to hear her call out "come in" in a clear, cheerful voice. He opened the door to find her sitting up in her bed watching CNN, her eyes fully focused and a smile on her face. "Hey, look at you." He chuckled self consciously. "Look at me? Look at you. You seem to be feeling a lot better." "Just less drugged out." She looked down at her feet and he could sense that she was a bit embarrassed about the way she'd been acting. He took that as another good sign, an indication that she was coming back to him. "What's in the bag Mulder?" He grinned in a self-satisfied way and started pulling out his surprises. First he placed the CD player on the shelf by the window and turned on some low music. Then he took out the candles and put them on the shelves. "Mulder what is all this? You can't have candles in a hosp..." "Shh...I won't tell if you don't." She smiled. He lit the candles and turned off the bright overhead light. He stopped and looked at her for a second, overcome at how beautiful she looked in candlelight. He turned away and flipped off the television set, hoping to distract himself momentarily. "I've got a little surprise for you Scully." He was practically bursting out of his skin with excitement. "Oh really? What kind of..." Her expression changed suddenly as he moved closer to her and sat on the side of the bed. She looked tense and he worried for a moment that she thought he was coming on to her again. "Mulder, what's that smell?" "I did just shower Scully. It can't be that bad yet.." "No, smells...I..." With flourish and ceremony he removed the white carton from the bag. "Ta dah! Is this the smell to which you were referring?" He expected a smile big enough to match his own but her only response was a mute nod. "It's lo mien noodles Scully! From that place down the street from me." He opened the carton and pushed it towards her to show her the contents. "See!" She nodded again and smiled weakly. He could have sworn she pulled back a little bit and that there was a trace of panic on her face. But that didn't make any sense. Why would Chinese food make her panic? Certainly she'd be happy to eat something real, something familiar for a change. He figured he must have been imagining it. The way the candles were flickering, it could have distorted his vision a little. He pulled the set of chopsticks from the bag and sunk them into the noodles. She'd finally managed to teach him how to use the damn things a few months ago and he wanted to show off a little bit. "They're for us Scully. I thought we could share them. For dinner. Ya know?" For some reason he felt like he was speaking a foreign language to her. Her eyes were wide and she wasn't responding at all. He thought of his earlier mistake with the mirror and wondered briefly if he was doing something equally idiotic. But that wasn't possible was it? "Did you have dinner already Scully?" She shook her head quickly. He wondered if maybe she was afraid to eat. If she thought it would make her sick after being starved for so long. But even a few bites would be enough to get her started on a normal diet. "Well dig in then." He wrapped some noodles around the chopsticks, just the way she'd taught him, and even managed to get a piece of meat in there. "I didn't eat any of the chicken either so I don't wanna hear any complaints." He held the chopsticks up and moved the food towards her face. He didn't know if she'd resent being fed by him but she didn't seem to be making any move to do it herself. Maybe her arm was causing her some difficulties. "Want some Scully?" "I...I don't...not really hungry..." She shook her head and backed impossibly further into the pillows. He shrugged and stuffed the food into his mouth. God, it really was good. She needed to taste this. As soon as she tasted it, it would be okay. She'd want to stuff her face. He certainly did. "Mmmm, this is great Scully. You don't know what you're missing." He dunked the chopsticks back into the carton and got some more for her. "Come on Scully. Give it a try. Just a little." "I...I can't...I..." "Sure you can Scully. It'll be fine. It's not gonna hurt you to have a little." He moved the carton and the chopsticks closer to her face. "Come on Scully, open the hatch and let the plane in." He started making airplane noises which, he realized, were completely moronic. She opened her mouth a fraction and he took the opportunity to excitedly stuff a piece of chicken and a bunch of noodles inside. He'd taken it as an invitation. But once again, he realized almost immediately, he'd misread her completely. end part 2 Desideratum II: Found by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen part 3/11 As soon as the food was inside her mouth her lips twisted into a grimace of disgust. She made a muffled gagging sound and instead of swallowing, spit the food onto the bed sheets. "Scully...what..." Without realizing it he moved the carton even closer to her. She whimpered and tears started streaming down her face. "Scully, God, what is it?" He moved still closer and reached to stroke her face with his free hand. She bit her lip and he heard her gasping. "Why are you crying Scully?" He whispered frantically. "What's happening?" "Get it away from me!" she cried out and, with her good arm, struck the carton from his hand, sending its contents into Mulder's face, onto his jeans, the floor, the bed, virtually everywhere. Mulder sat speechless and unmoving, mouth hanging agape, for a long time. He told himself, begged himself not to cry. Not now. Not in front of her. She needed him to be strong. Strong dammit. But he felt sobs of confusion and helplessness barely restrained in his throat. What in God's name was happening to her? And how had he managed to screw things up so royally yet again? She'd been fine before he came in here. Completely and utterly fine. His attempt to cheer her up had been pointless and obviously utterly counter-productive. Somehow, he'd managed to throw her back into despair. "Mulder...I...God, I don't know why..." Her voice broke and she buried her face in her hands. She seemed as confused by her actions as he was. She let out a miserable moan and he reached out to hold her. Then he remembered he was covered in gunk and stopped himself. "What in the world..." They both turned to see an irate nurse standing in the doorway. She flicked on the light and surveyed the scene, fixing Mulder with a nasty glare. She blew out the candles angrily. "Sir, you're going to have to leave now so that I can clean up this mess. And please, don't bring candles in here again." Scully looked up and shook her head. "He doesn't...he didn't..." Mulder shrugged and offered a the best attempt at a smile he could muster. "It's okay. I...I should go. Um, maybe we try pizza next time." He tried not to wince when he saw the nurse stick another needle in Scully's arm, then he turned and left. xxxxxx Charlie rolled his eyes in frustration at his daughter. They were having an old argument concerning where Pele would stay when he and Rena went on vacation. His vote was with grandma, hers was alone in the house. It was a tiresome exercise and not something he felt like dealing with at the moment. "Honey look, we're here to visit aunt Dana okay, let's just drop this for the time being and give her some peace." He was distracted from the issue by an unusual sight as they approached his sister's room. A man was walking down the hall towards them, covered in brown noodles. For a second Charlie was afraid it was a patient who'd wandered out of the psyche ward. As he got closer though, he realized it was Mulder. "Mulder? Is that you? What the hell happened to you man?" Mulder wiped a noodle out of his eye and Charlie snorted. What a ridiculous picture he made. But it only took a moment to see that Mulder was not amused. In fact it looked like he was about to cry. "I don't think your sister likes Chinese food much." Pele giggled and Charlie shushed her. It wasn't funny anymore. "Dana did that?" "I don't know what to do anymore, Charlie. Everything is wrong..." He broke off and angrily shook his head. "I've gotta get out of here. Just being here is hurting her." Charlie groaned inwardly. He knew Mulder's presence was the only thing keeping Dana even remotely relaxed and comfortable. "Mulder no. Don't leave. She needs you here." "Needs me? Are you fucking serious?" He demanded furiously. Then he glanced at Pele as if it were the first time he'd noticed her and cleared his throat. "Excuse me." Pele just shrugged and grinned. "Yes I am serious. She doesn't feel safe unless you're around." "Charlie, I don't have any idea what she feels. All I know is every time I go anywhere near her, she ends up feeling a thousand times worse." He sounded like a whiny little boy to Charlie and for a minute he was irritated. But he looked so pathetic, it was hard to stay angry. "Look Mulder, just go clean up or something. I wanna talk to you about all this but I can't even look you in the eye cause it's covered in noodles." Mulder shrugged helplessly and muttered "whatever" as he slunked off to the bathroom. xxxxxx 7:45 p.m. When he returned, Mulder found that Charlie was gone and his daughter was sitting alone on the couch outside Scully's room. He felt a little less idiotic now that he'd cleaned up a bit but he still felt on the verge of some kind of outburst. Crying or shouting or kicking a hole in the wall. Maybe all three. The last thing he needed was for a thirteen year old kid to get caught in that. He smiled and started to walk past her but she called out to him. "Mister Mulder, my dad went to look for my mom. He said to tell you to wait here for him so you guys could talk." "Oh..." He looked around for another place to sit. There really wasn't anywhere except the small couch Pele was sitting on. He sat down on the opposite corner. Mulder glanced across the couch at the girl next to him. He was uncertain as to what exactly to say to her. He'd never been particularly comfortable with adolescent girls. They were the only type of children he was terrible at dealing with. He wasn't sure if it was because they reminded him of Samantha or because they reminded him of his lame attempts at finding a girlfriend when he was that age. Either way, he was often at a loss with them. And this girl was not your typical adolescent. This girl bore little if any resemblance to the child Charlie had presented in that picture taken just last year. She had the black curly hair and the delicate features but this girl looked more woman than child. She wasn't even wearing any make-up as far as Mulder could tell but she still managed to look about eighteen years old. The way she was dressed certainly didn't help. Mulder wouldn't have gone so far as to call her appearance slutty but she sure was uninhibited with her body. She had a grace and total lack of awkwardness completely inconsistent with her age. He remembered Charlie's words about his daughter and wondered if Scully had been so blessed. He glanced over at her to find her staring openly back at him. He grinned and waved at her stupidly. "How ya doing?" Her face lit up and she scooted a little closer to him. "I'm fine. How are you...Agent Mulder?" "Just Mulder's fine." Her smile grew even wider. He could swear that she batted her eyelashes at him but he told himself he was imagining things. She was just a kid for crap's sake. "So, you work for the FBI with aunt Dana right?" "Yeah that's right." "Must be really...exciting." Her voice lowered a bit in tone and he felt a strange inexplicable reaction. She sounded a lot like Scully. A lot. "Um...sometimes. I guess you could call it exciting." "Dangerous, huh?" She licked her lips and crossed her leg in his direction. Her skirt was damned short. And he realized that he was not imagining things at all. "Uh...sometimes." "I think it would be really thrilling, especially the kind of work you guys do. I find parapsychology absolutely fascinating." He couldn't help the way his jaw dropped. This girl could not be thirteen. There was no way in hell. "Oh really?" She nodded and moved an inch or two closer. "Yeah, I think the work you do is just amazing." He was really starting to wish she had a different voice. If he closed his eyes he could almost imagine it was Scully sitting here talking to him. As if Scully would ever flirt with anyone so shamelessly. He told himself that she wouldn't but Charlie's stupid story kept coming back to haunt him. She leaned in a little closer and he felt her tiny fingers curl around his bicep. "You must work out a lot. Is that cause of the job or just for fun?" He pulled his arm away gently and scooted a little further down the couch. "It's uh...I don't...." He cursed himself mentally. He was actually blushing. And stuttering. "Mulder?" "Yeah?" He was almost afraid. How had he let a child reduce him to an embarrassed, speechless dufus in the span of five minutes? He supposed it wasn't helping that she'd met him at such a vulnerable moment. He felt like a jack-ass to begin with. "Can I see your gun?" She whispered the request conspiratorially, as if they were hatching a plan to ditch school and smoke a joint under the bleachers or something. "Uh...I guess..." He reached into his holster and pulled the weapon out, holding it for her to see. He kept his hand over the trigger and checked that the safety was on. "Wow." She gasped and stroked the barrel with her fingers. "It's so...big." Good God. Dear God in heaven. Scully could not have been this way. No thirteen year old could be this way. He supposed he was old fashioned but kids this age were supposed to be collecting Barbies and worshipping people named Corey in Teen magazines. "Ugh...Pele..." He was alarmed to find his voice was cracking. She moved over until she was pressed up against his side. She was still running her hands over his gun. He swiped it and put it back in the holster. "Yes, Mulder?" She looked up at him with her big Scully like lips partially opened like she was fucking waiting for him to kiss her or something. Where had this kid come from? And then he realized something truly disturbing. She could have come from his own imagination. He thought back to that night with Charlie, with the damn picture and his sick fantasies about an adolescent Scully. It had seemed perverted to him even at the time but now that he was actually presented with the image he'd conjured he realized it was beyond perverted. It was disgusting. "You're kinda young to be playing with guns, don't you think?" "Oh, I have one at home. Not as nice as that one, though." He assumed she was talking about a bebe gun like Scully had owned when she was a kid. The one her brothers had gotten her. He hoped that was what she was talking about anyway. "So, um...Pele, do you know any boys your own age?" It was the only thing he could think of in terms of a hint. She made a disgusted face, wrinkled her nose and raised her damn eyebrow. "Of course I do but they're so immature and boring. Nothing interesting to say, no real life experience. I'll bet you have lots of interesting stories don't you Mulder?" He was pressed against the armrest at the end of the sofa now. There was nowhere left to go. He looked around nervously, hoping someone would come and save him. He wished that his cell phone would ring and interrupt this bizarre scene but the only one who ever called him was Scully. "Well, not really, no. Nothing that would interest anyone normal, anyway." "Oh, I'm not normal, Mulder. Not at all. Normal means dull to me. Will you tell me a story about work? What's the most dangerous assignment you've ever been on?" He had to hand it to the kid, she knew what she was doing. True, every word out of her mouth was a cliché, but there was a reason for that. The lines were overused because they worked. Not many men could resist glorifying themselves and their "manly" attributes. Mulder felt a sudden and overwhelming concern for this girl. How many men had she tried this routine on? How many of them had known, as Mulder did, how old she really was? How many of them had been desperately in love with her aunt and totally repulsed by the idea of taking advantage of her? "You don't wanna hear about that. I..." "Do you have a girlfriend Mulder?" That was a hell of a question. He didn't have a clue how to answer it. "You must have tons." "Um...not really no." Wrong answer. She moved in, impossibly closer and ran her foot over his calf. "I can't imagine why." "Oh, you know, probably because of my nose, I try not to take it personally." He laughed nervously. She was not amused by his attempt at humor. She suddenly looked very serious. "You have a wonderful nose. Your face has so much character. And besides, you know what they say about men with big noses..." "Pele!" Mulder let out a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding. Charlie was here to save him. "Pele, go find your mother and leave the nice man alone!" She glared at her father and rolled her eyes at Mulder in a frighteningly familiar way and stood up. "But dad..." she whined. "No buts. She's waiting for you downstairs in the lobby. She's gonna take you back to grandma's." Pele wrinkled her nose and stuck out her tongue. "I'm sick of grandma." "Yeah yeah, we all are. Just get down there." Pele sighed heavily and started towards the elevator. Before the doors opened she turned back and waved. "Bye, Mulder. It was really nice to talk to you." Mulder fidgeted and muttered something unintelligible and she disappeared. Charlie shook his head and turned to Mulder. "Sorry about that. I hope she didn't bother you." Mulder shrugged. He wasn't sure how to respond to that. She hadn't really bothered him. Just reminded him how twisted he was inside. No wonder he couldn't help Scully. She knew what he was. Whether she'd admit it or not, she was probably as afraid of him as she was of Jane. "She's um...a very interesting kid." Charlie snorted and sat down. "Interesting's one way of putting it, I guess. I dunno, I think she's gonna give me a heart attack before I hit forty. I don't know what the hell to do about it anymore, ya know? I don't wanna be a tyrant like dad but it's like, what the fuck else do you do? Her mind is just too damn old for her body." Mulder wished he could offer some sage parental advice but he had no clue how to deal with horny teen aged daughters. He had enough trouble dealing with himself. "What does her mother think?" Charlie shrugged. "Same thing I do really. We try to give her as much freedom as we can without letting her run wild but there are times when we both feel like locking her in her room and sticking a chastity belt on her. And she's at that age where she won't even talk to Rena anymore so that's kind of frustrating for her." He sighed heavily and ran his hand through his hair. "This is another issue entirely though, it's not what I wanted to talk to you about." Mulder shifted self-consciously. He knew what Charlie wanted to talk about and he had no desire to discuss it at all. "I think we need to talk about Dana." He paused and regarded Mulder apprehensively. "I don't think she's getting better. I mean, I think there's more wrong than we first thought." "No...she, she was fine. When I went in there before, and even this morning, she was better. She's getting better. She's fine. It's just me." Charlie rolled his eyes and sighed. "Mulder, that's just not true. Her doctor told me today that she hasn't been eating at all. She's not gaining any weight or getting any of her strength back and she's not talking to anybody about what happened. She refuses to talk with a psychologist..." "She doesn't need a psychologist. There's nothing wrong with her. All she needs is for me to leave her alone." "Are you listening to me at all? She's not getting better! Her body is not recovering. Her mental state is not improving. There's something really wrong. She should be almost ready to leave the hospital by now. But she's not, they don't wanna let her leave because if she got out of bed, she'd fall the fuck down. Are you getting this?" Mulder winced and closed his eyes. He didn't want to believe this. It was so much easier to blame her odd behavior on himself than to think that something was seriously wrong with her. "Why hasn't anybody told me all this?" "I dunno, I guess cause you're not family in their eyes. But I'm telling you because I think you're the only one who can help her. You're the only one she listens to." "Now you're the one not getting it, Charlie. I'm trying to help her. That's all I've been doing. It's not working. She's afraid of me." "No she's not. Why would she be afraid of you?" Mulder stared blankly at the wall for a moment. Charlie didn't know. He didn't understand. He had no idea what Mulder had done to his sister. Mulder didn't relish the idea of filling him in on the details. "She just is. And she's not gonna want to talk to me about this any more than anyone else." "Well, that part might be true. But she doesn't want you to think she can't handle things. She's very worried about you thinking that she's weak or helpless." Mulder nodded sadly. She'd never let him see when she needed help, when she was scared or sad. "Well, at least try to get her to talk to someone else, a therapist or her doctor or...I dunno, anybody." "I...I'll try I guess," Mulder agreed. But in his heart, he felt that she would be doing a lot better if he wasn't involved in the situation at all. xxxxxx Tuesday 1:30 PM Rena Scully led her son by the hand into Scully's room. She leaned down to Charlie Jr. and cautioned him to remain quiet when she saw Dana asleep. The man at Dana's side she could only assume was the infamous Mulder. He was sitting in a chair directly next to the bed, hovering over her, one hand holding Dana's, the other running through her hair in a steady rhythm. His look was fraught with both concern and intense admiration. Charlie Jr. sighed and woke Mulder from his trance. He looked slightly confused and perhaps even a bit self-conscious as he smiled and greeted Rena. "Mr. Mulder?" Rena presumed and offered her hand. "I'm Rena Scully." "Yeah, yes. Charlie's wife. I recognize the both of you from his picture of you." She smiled and nodded as he shook her hand. "Please, you can just call me Mulder." Rena smiled and looked down at Dana, who was breathing very shallow as she slept. "How is she?" Mulder sighed and looked at Dana as well. "She's okay, her arm is healing and all but-" he sighed and broke off again. Dana twitched and moaned in her sleep. Mulder ran his hand over her face and through her hair again which seemed to calm her. He was extremely worried about her emotional state, that was an impression Rena was receiving more than clearly. She didn't even have to ask what he'd stopped himself from saying just now. Along with that impression, she also got the strong feeling that he was carrying an intense guilt for what had happened to Dana. For many things that had happened to her. He kept his eyes on Dana now. "You know that's the best thing you could be doing for her right now." Upon Rena's comment, Mulder's eyebrows raised and his eyes looked up slightly toward her, yet he still didn't lift his head completely. "Touching her like that. Speaking softly while she sleeps. There's no better therapy than that of the human touch. Especially that of a loving one." He grinned sadly and finally looked up at her again. He sighed and said quietly, "Thanks. Thanks a lot." Rena knew from what Charlie had told her about this man that he needed all of the encouragement he could get. Especially where their family was concerned. Like she herself, Mulder wasn't being welcomed with open arms to the Scully family, either. But he seemed to take it much more personally than she ever did. For a moment she was going to reassure him, let him know that none of this was his fault, but she held her tongue instead. He needed to concentrate his full efforts on Dana's recovery. That would truly be the only way she would or could get better. Out of the silence of the room, Mulder asked quietly, "Do you you think she'll ever be the same again?" Rena wasn't sure how to answer him honestly. That wasn't up to her. Instead she asked him, "Do you believe she will?" He looked up and directly at her now, his eyes seemingly full of disbelief at her question. "Mulder, I think-" "...wriggled and jiggled and squiggled inside her..." Charlie Jr. had apparently grown tired of this visit and chosen to entertain himself with the plastic action figures he'd carried with him. He was his happy self, singing a recently learned song that he had succeeded in driving their household mad with as of late by repeating it over and over. "Charles, not so loud, love," Rena requested firmly. The boy did not formally acknowledge his mother, but continued his song at a loud whisper. "..she swallowed the, wait...she swallowed the horse to get the doggie, to get the spider that wriggled and jiggled and giggled inside of her..." Both Rena and Mulder could but help but chuckle at him as he pressed on with his own rendition of the song. "Seems like a good kid," Mulder complimented. Rena smiled proudly. "He really is befitting of his name. He *is* my little Charlie. Took on all of his father's best qualities." As they both watched the boy play, they did not notice at first how Scully had begun to toss in her sleep, much more heavily than before. It wasn't until she began to moan loudly that their attentions were redirected. "Shhh, Scully, you're okay, you're okay. I'm right here with you." He spoke directly into her ear as he used both his hands to caress her face. But she would not be calmed. "No...please...don't. *Please*." "...I know a lady who swallowed a spider and it wriggled and wiggled and jiggled insider...," Charlie sang on in the background. Rena scolded him again for being so loud, but Charlie knew his mother's attentions were split at the moment, so he chose not to listen. He sang on. "..she swallowed the spider to catch the fly..." Scully tossed in the bed, her facial expression pained, her cheeks streaming now with tears. "Scully, I'm here. Scully-," Mulder called to her more desperately now. "No, please...can't.." She then coughed and hyperventilated, as though she were heaving. "...I don't know why the lady swallowed a fly..." Rena grabbed Charlie by the arm and yanked him to her side, firmly reminding him of her previous instruction. He giggled and finished the song despite his mother's order. "Perhaps she'll DIE!" "NO!" Scully flew up straight in the bed and screamed. "STOP IT STOP IT NO!!" Her eyes were wide open and she looked directly at Charlie as she yelled. "LET ME GO, DAMMIT!!" Little Charlie was frightened to death and immediately stuck out his bottom lip. He clung to his mothers hip and the tears began to fall. He hid his face. Scully herself was crying and shaking and it was more than obvious to both Rena and Mulder that she had not really seen Charlie there, that she'd actually still be caught in the midst of her nightmare. Rena picked up her sobbing child and carried him from the room. Mulder shook her and called her name. She finally woke and it took only an instant for her to realize what had happened. She looked to Mulder and collapsed in his arms. He held her tightly and tried his best to soothe her. "What the hell is wrong with me, Mulder?" she sobbed into his chest. "I'm so tired," she whispered. "When can I rest?" end part 3 Desideratum II: Found by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen part 4/11 Tuesday 7:30 PM Mulder rubbed his eyes. It only occurred to him now how tired he was. And sore. The discomfort of sleeping in hospital chairs was catching up with him. His only thought in sleeping at the hospital was focused on Scully's comfort alone, not his own. He entered the waiting room that Scully's family had been inhabiting for the last several days. On one of the couches in the corner Rena slept on Charlie's shoulder. Charlie acknowledged Mulder sleepily and Mulder nodded. He was about to lay down on the other couch in the room, just for a minute or two, when he noticed Charlie Jr. on the floor, engrossed in Scooby Doo playing on the television. God, he looked like her. A lot. He looked a lot like his parents, too, but he resembled Scully in so many ways. The shape of his face, the arc of his eyebrows. Unlike his sister, though, Charlie Jr. had inherited his father's ocean blue eyes, the shade also shared by his aunt. Eyes which were now brimming with tears. Mulder looked back at the boy's parents. Both of them had fallen asleep now, Charlie snoring quietly as he unconsciously stroked his wife's silken black hair. Mulder pinched his eyes shut. Way to ruin their vacation and indirectly cause their child trauma. Could he possibly fuck up anyone else's life this week? He knew exactly how little Charlie was feeling. Only Charlie hadn't known any better. Mulder had. A picture of Scully's angry face came into Mulder's mind. She had been so right. Jane had manipulated him, playing on his every weakness. He never saw it coming. Scully had, though, and he had chose to ignore her again. No more, Scully, I promise. From now on he was going to listen. Godammit, if it killed him, he was going to listen to her every breath. He sat down next to Charlie on the floor. "You like Scooby?" Mulder asked. Charlie kept his eyes on the television and nodded quickly. "You know," Mulder said in attempt to distract him. "Your aunt Dana's always reminded me of Velma. "She's ugly," Charlie said quietly and inhaled sharply. "Yeah," Mulder chuckled quietly. "But she's the smart one, like Velma. Aunt Dana's always the one that solves our cases. Our mysteries." God, was that ever the truth. Mulder felt like crying. *Come back to me, Scully.* Charlie sucked his lips and the corners of his mouths were pulling his frown further downward. He took a quick sniffle and wiped an eye. Then he gasped and his chin quivered as a tear rolled down his cheek. It was obvious now to Mulder that he was trying to keep from crying. "Hey," Mulder said. "Hey, buddy, it's okay. Go ahead and cry if you wanna." He shook his head fiercely and rubbed his fists into both his eyes. "Can't. Not a'pposed to." "Not supposed to?" Mulder could hardly believe that Charlie and Rena would have taught him that. "Who said you're not supposed to cry?" He stuck his bottom lip out and sobbed. Wiping his nose he explained, "Uncle Bill. I was crying cause I feel real bad cause, cause I made aunt Dana all upset and she's real sick and," he could hardly talk anymore. "Uncle Bill said I'm a'posed to be a big boy and not a baby and I was being naughty cause I didn't listen to mommy and that I shouldin', I shouldin' cry!" He ended his story and the floodgates were opened. Mulder encouraged Charlie to lean into him and to Mulder's total surprise, the boy embraced him tightly around the waist. Rena stirred in her sleep and Mulder turned to regard her. Apparently satisfied her baby was not in danger, she relaxed into her husband's arms again. As Mulder felt his shirt becoming moist, he spoke to little Charlie quietly, "S'okay, Charlie. Let it out. Everybody should cry sometimes." "I diddin' mean ta make her sad. I diddin' know the song would hurt her and make her more sicker." He hiccuped the words out in between sobs. "I know you didn't, Charlie. I know." "I'm real real sorry." "I know you are." Mulder looked around for something to help make the boy feel better. "Hey, you wanna go get a coke or something?" Charlie pulled back and revealed his swollen, soaking-wet face. But there was a spark of happiness present in his eyes now. "Can I have my own can?" While they headed down to the closet of a room which held the vending machines, Charlie took hold of Mulder's hand as though it were the most natural thing in the world to him. Mulder thought he actually felt his heart swell. By the time they reached the room, Charlie was skipping. He jumped up and down in front of Mulder. "Can I put the money in? I wanna put the money in myself! Please?" Mulder put his hand behind the boy's left ear and produced a quarter. Charlie's eyes grew big and he gasped. As he was feeling behind that ear for more money, Mulder reached behind Charlie's right ear and found another quarter. "Wow!" was all he could say. "C'mere, kid," Mulder said as he lifted Charlie off the ground so he could reach the money slot. Charlie stuck the two quarters in and punched the Coke button hard, rejoicing quietly when he heard the can drop down. The two new friends sat at a round table in the room. Little Charlie took two giant gulps from his 'whole can' and Mulder marveled at how this simple thing was seeming to make the kid's day. And that Mulder had something to do with it; that made it all the better for Mulder. "Now don't tell your mom and dad I gave you that if you're not supposed to have it," Mulder kidded. "Mommy don't care. Mulder," he began but was interrupted by a burp. "S'cuse me. Mulder, do you think um, do you think I made aunt Dana worser?" He wasn't sure if he was entirely qualified to answer that question, as he had just been worrying about the same thing. Instead of answering, he made a suggestion. "Would you feel better if we went upstairs to apologize to aunt Dana?" Charlie looked frightened suddenly. He looked into the Coke can, head dropped low. "I don't wanna." Neither did Mulder. Finally somebody Mulder could relate to during all of this mess. Unfortunately the person was a five-year-old. Or maybe it wasn't so unfortunate. Either way it was starting to become clear to Mulder that Scully's brother had been right last night. Something was really wrong with Scully and it was more than just his own stupidity. "It's hard, I know how you feel. You feel Dumb. Embarrassed. Sorry. I feel the same way. I made your aunt Dana cry, too." "Really? You did? What did you do?" "Um..." he tried to formulate an explanation that a child might be able to understand. "I tried to give her some noodles to eat and they kind of scared her." If only that were the only thing he'd done. But he wasn't about to traumatize a five year old with stories of abductions and psychotic stalkers and rapist partners. Charlie screwed up his face. "The noodles did? That's silly. Who's afraid of noodles?" He started giggling and Mulder put his fingers to his lips. "Shh, I know it's hard to understand. I don't really understand it myself but for some reason she got scared. Just like when you were singing." Charlie took another swig from his coke and regarded Mulder with a thoughtful expression. "Uncle Mulder?" Mulder was startled to hear the boy call him Uncle and it took him a second to respond. "Um, yeah Charlie?" "Do ya think maybe she's scared of noodles cause of her bad dreams?" xxxxxx Scully felt for Mulder's hand in her sleep. Unable to find it, she woke with a sharp gasp. For a split second, she feared again that she was back at Jane's, that waking in Mulder's arms a while ago was really just another hallucination. Then she heard a voice. The voice of a young child. "Your turn, your TURN!" "Just a minute, Charlie. Your aunt Dana's waking up." "Uh-oh, I forgot to *whis-per*," the boy said in a whisper louder than the words he'd just spoken. The pair was now in focus to her. It was Mulder, sitting on the floor with Charlie's boy. A deck of cards was spread out on the tiles in a game of war. Mulder rose and sat down next to her on the bed. He leaned down and brushed some hair out of her face. "How are you?" he said in a low voice. She smiled a bit and said, "I see you've found someone else to play with while I'm out." Mulder look toward Charlie Jr. "Yeah, but he cheats way more than you do," he teased. "Do NOT!" Charlie insisted loudly. "Shh, boy," Mulder instructed. "You're gonna get us kicked out of here." He ruffled the child's hair as he climbed up onto the bed with them. Charlie crawled up the length of the bed to give his aunt a hug. "I love you, aunt Dana." His voice seemed sad to her. He kept his head buried on her shoulder for a while and soon Scully felt moisture there. "Charlie?" She looked up at Mulder with a question on her face. He shrugged and then instantly she remembered what had happened. "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" "M'sorry," he sobbed into her body. "I didn't mean ta make you sad," he sniffled, "I'm a good boy, I didn't mean ta be naughty-oh..." He broke off and cried hard. Scully stroked his back with her good arm and pressed her cheek into his crown. "S'okay, Charlie," she whispered to him. "You are a good boy." She had tears in her own eyes now. "I just keep having really bad dreams, that's all. It's not your fault." She kissed his head. "Not your fault." "I'm not a baby," he whimpered. "No, you're not. You're a big boy. You're a wonderful boy. I love you very much." He pulled back and Scully beheld his red eyes, his tear-streaked cheeks. He sniffled twice. "I love you very much, too." "Good," she smiled. "You're not mad at me?" He asked one last time. She giggled through her nose, shaking her head. "No. You didn't do anything wrong, sweetie. You didn't know." He smiled and then leaned down to her face. "Kisses?" Scully laughed quietly again and conceded. "Kisses." "Mmmah!" he exclaimed as he pecked her on the mouth. "Mulder, hand me a Kleenex, would ya?" She asked of him quietly. Taking it from him, she said to Charlie, "C'mere so I can wipe your face." He happily obliged her, sitting still as she wiped up his tears and runny nose. "How'd you guys get up here, anyhow? It's way past visiting hours." Charlie pulled back. The thought of answering her question seemed to excite him, as sat up on his knees and took a deep breath. "Uncle Mulder brought me!" he revealed proudly. "Uncle Mulder?" she asked, looking at Mulder this time. He merely shrugged. Charlie nodded emphatically. "Yeah-yeah-yeah! We tried to sneak past the ladies at the um, counter-thing, but one of 'em said, "Hey, he can't go there." But uncle Mulder, said, hey," he stopped to move her face so that her gaze was on him instead of Mulder. "Aunt Dana, aunt Dana," he begged her attention, "Uncle Mulder, he um, said to that lady, "He's with me," and she was...she didn't care and um so uncle Mulder took out his badge-thing and said "Fox Mulder, FBI," and so, and so we got to come up here." Scully tried her hardest not to burst out in a laughing fit from the boy's recitation. He seemed pretty impressed with his new 'uncle', sitting there with his hand up, imitating Mulder's voice and stance as best he could. Mulder had momentarily replaced her brother as little Charlie's hero. "Well, then you're pretty important, then, too, Mr. Scully." She poked him in the belly and he squealed in laughter. He had all but forgotten his earlier sorrow. "Quiet, Charlie, you're really gonna get us in trouble," Mulder kidded again and they played a mocking game of "uh-huh's" back and forth. Suddenly Charlie stopped, seeming to remember something. He turned to Mulder and bid him lean in close so he could whisper something. "Hey-hey-hey, no secrets," Scully kidded. Mulder smiled at her comment while he listened to Charlie speak to him. Then suddenly Mulder's face got really serious. "Mulder? What? What is it?" "Uh..." he grunted. "Come on, you PROMISED! Now do it!" Charlie egged him on. Mulder's face was red and sweaty. Scully began to worry now. "I'm supposed to..." he hesitated, "I promised him that would..." "Aunt Dana, he's real sorry bout the noodles." Apparently the suspense was too much for Charlie. Scully's face now matched Mulder's and her heart rate increased. She had nearly forgotten the incident already. Though she felt great unease to even think of it, she humored her nephew. "Uh...It's okay, Mulder, I forgive you." They both looked at one another uncomfortably. Scully couldn't decide if it was better that Charlie was in the room or not. At least with little Charlie there, Mulder wouldn't try to pry, try to ask her more questions about what happened at Jane's. Charlie patted Mulder's arm. "It's okay, uncle Mulder. She's just having bad dreams right now. She'll get better soon." Charlie continued to look back and forth from one to the other. Again to humor him, Scully said to Mulder, "It's okay." "Now kisses!" Such an innocent request. He had no idea what he was asking of them. 'Kisses' to Charlie were merely a manner of reassurance that things were just fine. All is forgiven, all better, you'll be fine. Mulder gave Scully a goofy grin and leaned in quickly, sort of brushing his lips on her forehead. "No, no, NO! That's not kisses!" Charlie said with frustration in his voice. When Mulder pulled back, Scully answered the look on his face. Sighing, she said, " 'Kisses' is on the mouth." "Yeah, yeah. You gotta kiss on the *mouth*, silly," Charlie said matter of factly as he pushed on Mulder's arm. "You say, 'Kisses?' uncle Mulder, and aunt Dana says, 'Kisses' and then you kiss on the mouth and then, and then, then everything's ALL better!" Mulder looked as though he would faint. For a long while they merely stared at one another silently, as though working through a life-altering decision in their minds. Scully felt very warm as she watched Mulder's chest rise and fall rapidly. He opened his mouth, but no sound emitted. "Come *on*! Jeesh, you guys take forever!" Charlie demanded. Still Mulder seemed to be having difficulties. Charlie whispered loud words of encouragement. "Hurry UP!" She watched as a gentle grin curled the sides of his mouth upward. "Kisses?" Mulder ventured, the word getting caught in his throat. "Kisses," she returned and he leaned down toward her face. Except that Mulder was having yet more difficulties with this seemingly easy feat. He stopped short of her face, trying to decide to lean left or right. Scully lifted her head a little to help him out and as she did, his wonderfully large nose knocked into hers, frightening Mulder a bit, which made him lose his balance a bit and so he ended up falling into her mouth, pressing much harder than he had intended to. "Mmm...ow," Scully cried when their foreheads and teeth bumped. "Oh, Scully, oh Scully, I'm so sorry. Are you okay? Huh? are you all right?" He asked as he was rubbing his own head. "Yeah, I'm...What?" Scully turned toward her giggling nephew. "What are you laughing at?" "Uncle Mulder," he answered and laughed some more. "He can't do 'kisses' right! Scully turned and looked at Mulder. He was breathing heavily and his face was redder than she thought she'd ever seen. He grabbed the boy and said, "Oh yeah, you think that's funny? You like to laugh so much, huh? I'll give you something to laugh about!" He proceeded to tickle little Charlie until he cried uncle. Scully's heart felt lighter than it had in a long time. The way Mulder was with her nephew was such a beautiful sight and she remembered what it was like to feel carefree. She missed that. She didn't know when her body would decide what emotion to feel. She certainly took no part in that decision anymore. xxxxxx Wednesday 1:40 p.m. The door clicked open and Scully turned to see her sister-in-law enter the room. "Hey. How are you feeling?" Scully grinned and shrugged. "I'm sorry, I'm sure you're sick to death of people asking you that. Scully nodded. "A little bit. Yes." Unconsciously, Scully looked around Rena's shoulder. "Mulder's on his way up," Rena offered. "What? Oh." She should have known Rena would read her mind. "He's found a new partner, I think. Mulder took him to see the babies again. Charlie's just fascinated with little kids and before you say one more word, the answer is no." Scully laughed. "How is little Charlie, though? Is he still okay after what happened yesterday?" "Yeah. In fact, I think he's all but forgotten about it now. Mulder on the other hand..." "Rena, I have to say to you I'm really sorry about what happened. I don't know why - " Rena was shaking her head. "It's not your fault. But you know, Dana..." Scully was afraid to ask what Rena was thinking. Rena had such a knack for knowing exactly what was on people's minds. "What is it, Rena?" She sighed. "Perhaps this isn't any of my business, but..." she stopped and sat down next to her in the chair that had become Mulder's new bed. She took Scully's hand and regarded her seriously. Scully's heart began to pound. "Dana, I know that you haven't told anyone what happened to you, not even the psychiatrist. Not even Mulder." Not this. No. Scully had to get her off of the subject. "Rena, I appreciate your concern, I really do, but there really isn't much to say. I told the police what happened when I was there and that's really all there is to say. It's really not necessary. I just...I just need to get my strength up." Rena shut her eyes and sighed again in very much the same way her mother had been doing to her lately. She wished everyone would leave her alone about this. The only person who wasn't prying her about anything was Mulder. "Dana, if you won't do it for yourself, then consider Mulder. Have you looked at him lately? He looks sickly. He's not taking care of himself because he's so worried about you. Do you want him to end up in the hospital?" "Of course I don't. Of course not. I just don't see how rehashing any of this is beneficial." Rena nodded and fell silent. She looked at Scully for several moments which brought on a now very familiar nervousness. Where the hell was Mulder? "Dana, far be it from me to offer unsolicited advice, but I love you and I want to see you get better. Believe me when I say you are not going to get better until you deal with it. I think you know that. You're going to have to come to terms with it sometime." Scully remained silent. She wanted no part of what Rena was proposing. It wasn't necessary, any of it. She was fine, she felt fine. She just needed to get home and not think about any of this anymore. "I love you too, Rena. All of you guys are so wonderful for being here, but there really isn't any good reason for you to be," she insisted. "Where did you say Mulder went?" "I'll go find him. But promise you'll think about what I said." Scully nodded insincerely at her as she left the room. Just as long as Rena brought Mulder back here. Then her heart would stop racing. end part 4 Desideratum II: Found by Rachel Anton and Laura Blaurosen part 5/11 Margaret Scully's home Tuesday, 7:40 p.m. The silence in the room was more deafening than the loudest explosions Mulder had ever heard. He looked around the table and wondered, yet again, why he had agreed to come here. Then he looked across from him at Charlie junior's grinning face and remembered, he was here for him, to humor him. As Rena and Charlie had been leaving the hospital this evening with their children, little Charlie had turned to Mulder and asked him to "come to gammie's for dinner" with them. Mulder had glanced at the elder Scully for some help but Charlie just shrugged with a stupid grin. He'd looked almost happy to have someone to share the suffering with. He'd known it was a pretty bad idea but he hadn't the heart to disappoint little Charlie. He'd looked so excited about the whole thing. Mrs. Scully had looked less than thrilled when he'd shown up with Charlie and his family but she'd been polite about it, unlike Bill who'd refused to even look at him since he'd arrived. He looked around the table again, surveying the strange scene. Bill and Charlie were seated at the two ends of the rectangular table. They were both eating voraciously and saying nothing. Neither of them seemed willing to make eye contact with anyone else at the table. Across from him, Charlie junior sat between his mother and Mrs. Scully. And he was seated next to Pele. He wasn't sure how that had happened. It was making him even more nervous than he was already, though. Every time he turned he saw her leaning on her elbow, staring at him openly with what he assumed to be a thirteen year old's attempt at a seductive look. "Can you pass me the peas, Mulder?" Pele asked. It was the first thing he'd heard anyone say in a long time. He scanned the table for the peas and found that they were right in front of him. She could have gotten them herself pretty damn easily. He passed them to her. Her hand brushed his briefly on the bowl and she sighed. It was bizarre. His touch seemed to have the same effect on her as Scully's had on him. Mrs. Scully jumped up as if she'd suddenly remembered something. She left the dining room for a moment and came back with a bottle of wine. She poured some in everyone's glass except for Charlie junior and Pele. When she'd sat back down Pele stuck her glass out petulantly at her grandmother. "Would you pour me some too please, grandma?" "Um, I'm sorry sweetheart, you're a little too young..." "It's okay," Rena interjected, "she can have some if she wants it. It's just a little wine." Mrs. Scully pursed her lips and glared at Rena. Then she looked at Charlie. "Is that all right with you too Charles?" "Huh?" Charlie grumbled into his plate. "Yeah, it's fine." He still wouldn't look up or stop shoveling food into his face. Bill muttered something unintelligible. Something that only Charlie seemed to hear. He finally lifted his head and gave his brother the nastiest look Mulder had ever seen Charlie give anyone. "What was that Bill? Would you like to share that with everyone?" Bill actually looked embarrassed for a moment. Mulder could only assume he'd said something nasty about either Rena or Pele. "So, can I have it or what?" Pele asked impatiently. "Pele, ask nicely," Rena admonished her. "Sorry, can I please have a little bit?" Mrs. Scully scowled and filled her glass half way. With that small crisis past Mulder felt just comfortable enough to take a large swig from his own glass. He wished he'd had a whole bottle before he'd come here. He hadn't been so uncomfortable since he'd been forced to have dinner with his own family. Another long silence went by, unbroken by anything except the clattering of silverware and the sound of chewing. Mulder hated the sound of chewing. Especially his own. He felt like everyone at the table could hear it. Not that anyone would care about his stupid chewing. They seemed pretty focused on radiating their anger towards one another. He felt like he was in the middle of two warring camps. Mulder wondered if these people were always this way when they were together or if it was his presence making things this way. He got the very strong impression that although he was adding to the problem, the tension was there all the time. It seemed to seethe between all of them. He wondered what it would be like if Scully were there. Every situation seemed endurable if she was there. But at the same time he had a feeling she would be as silent and edgy as everyone else and that would be a long way from pleasant for him. He felt a sudden and random surge of anger towards all of them, including himself. How dare they sit around here with their petty differences and childish animosity when she was lying in a hospital bed, needing their support more than anything?. "I wish aunt Dana was here. When's she gonna be better?" Charlie junior blurted out suddenly. Mulder was shocked at how this boy's thoughts mirrored his own. He really was the only person Mulder seemed able to relate to anymore. Nobody answered his question. "Uncle Mulder, do you know?" Mulder looked the boy in the eye and shook his head sadly. "No, no I don't know, Charlie. I'm sorry." He saw Mrs. Scully and Bill glance at each other out of the corner of his eye and he knew exactly what they were thinking. He should be sorry. It was all his fault. Suddenly he felt something on his leg under the table. He almost jumped, thinking it was some kind of unknown creature but then realized that it was merely Pele's bare foot running up the back of his leg. She was trying to play fucking footsie with him in the middle of all this. He pulled his leg away and tried to concentrate on eating fast so he could get the hell out of there and back to Scully. Rena turned to her son and stroked his hair. "We're not sure when Aunt Dana's going to be better sweetie. But just knowing that you care is helping her." "Really? Honest?" She nodded and smiled. "Honest. Cross my heart." She kissed his forehead and he seemed somewhat relieved. "Mommy, why don't you just do your magic on her?" Mulder looked at Rena curiously. "Your magic?" "Oh jeez, not this again." Bill grunted. "What is he talking about?" Mulder asked. "I was sick like aunt Dana an' mommy made me better with magic!" Charlie announced excitedly. "It's not magic, honey," Rena told him quietly. "Well what is it?" Mulder was getting pretty excited himself. To a child, any kind of help might seem like magic. Maybe Rena was some kind of trauma therapist, maybe she knew something that would help Scully. "Do we have to talk about this at dinner?" Mrs. Scully asked hopefully. She seemed to sense that this was a touchy subject. Mulder didn't care. If it would help Scully it didn't matter. "I'm finished with my dinner gammie! See!" Charlie junior held his cleaned plate up for inspection and Mrs. Scully nodded proudly. "Yep, that's wonderful, sweetie. That's grandma's good boy!" "Pele, take your brother upstairs please," Charlie told his daughter. Pele rolled her eyes and sighed melodramatically. "Are you guys gonna fight about mom's stupid therapy thing again?" "Just do it." Pele rose from the table with another sigh and gave Mulder an exasperated look. "So, are you a therapist or something?" Mulder asked when the two kids had gone. "Something..." Bill muttered. "Watch it." Charlie glared at Bill and pointed his fork at him. Mrs. Scully cleared her throat and folded her hands nervously on the table. "Bill, Charles, please. We don't need to do this now." "Um, I'm not exactly a therapist." She looked around the table, debating whether or not to discuss this further. Her eyes met Mulder's and he looked at her pleadingly. "What then, Rena? Please, if it could help Scully I need to know." She sighed and nodded. "A couple years ago I was in a car accident with Charlie junior. He was pretty traumatized by the whole thing, he had awful nightmares and he was sleepwalking. One night Charlie and I both almost had a simultaneous coronary when we found him outside standing in front of our pool. I was never comfortable with the therapist he saw and it was compounded more by the fact that Charlie wasn't getting any better. So finally I took it upon myself to explore options for him. I looked into some alternative methods and found something that happened to work in Charlie's case." Mulder leaned across the table eagerly. This was actually sounding like something substantial. Something that might help. "So, what did you do? Do you really think it could work with Scully?" "God almighty! Dana's not gonna want to have anything to do with that new age, holistic crap. Why the hell did you have to get her started on this?" Bill demanded angrily. Charlie slammed his palms against the table, causing the dishes to rattle. Mrs. Scully jumped in her seat and buried her head in her hands "I told you to watch your fucking mouth!" "Charlie, please," Mrs. Scully pleaded from behind her shield. Rena leaned towards her husband and put her hand over his. "It's okay. It's fine. Let me explain it to Mulder." xxxxxx 8:10 p.m. Scully opened the brown envelope that had been delivered to her earlier that evening. She'd managed to track down the police reports that had been drafted about Jane Harris. When an associate from the Bureau had called on behalf of her department to see how Scully was doing and asked if there was anything she could do for her, Scully took her up on the offer immediately. Everything was in order, police reports, photos, prints, and other items that were part of a federal offenders file that had been started on the woman. Scully could have kicked herself for not having looked to see if Jane had any kind of a record the moment she'd had that odd feeling about the woman. She refrained from it, though, because she would have felt like a jealous shrew. It wouldn't have made a difference, if she had, though. The name given on the report was Jane Elizabeth Walters, not Harris. The papers also indicated that she'd gone to a private grade school in Rhode Island, an upscale boarding preparatory high school and then attended Yale, though apparently did not finish a degree. Scully flipped through the other papers and came across one titled, "Psychological Evaluation". She'd had a psyche eval already? So soon? That seemed odd to Scully, but upon further reading found that the date on the form was June of 1996. It was an eval to decide if she was fit for release from the Maryland State Hospital. She'd apparently been admitted in 1993 by her father, for a reason Scully could not determine from the information she had. It was declared that she be released but continue therapeutic medication and regular sessions with the psychiatrist. In the statement she'd given federal officers regarding the recent incident, Scully learned that Jane first came across information on Mulder at several different UFO abductee cooperative group webpages on the Internet. She then advanced to accessing personal information on Mulder, thereby locating his place of residence. Through the collected knowledge, Jane had concocted a story which she hoped would gain Mulder's attention and incite his interests. The transcript of her confession recorded her repeating over and over how much she loved Mulder and that she believed what she had done was her responsibility for both their sakes. She seemed to believe that Mulder really felt the same way for her and that given enough time, he would have admitted it too. Scully closed her eyes and sighed once deeply. Jane's deranged expression was creeping into her memory again. She told herself that it was over, that there was no reason to even think of it anymore and the picture left her head, yet her body was shivering. Where the hell was Mulder? She couldn't imagine he would stay at her mother's this long. Holding her breath, she ventured on to the police photos. Shots of every corner of the apartment were in the file. She cringed when she saw the picture of Jane's closet, filled with numerous items Scully recognized as belonging to Mulder. She sighed and shivered again. Poor Mulder. If only she'd said something sooner. If only she had demanded that he cease this association with Jane... Scully flipped to the next photo and felt her entire body go numb. It was of the room, the room where she had lived, dying for what seemed like months. She wasn't in the picture, but Scully put herself there, attached to the bed, sweating, bleeding, crying, in the most excruciating pain she'd ever experienced. Helpless. Wondering if she would die there, whether she was going to be consumed alive by ten thousand creeping insects, eating away any evidence of her ever having been there. Something tickled the back of her neck and she jumped, frantically brushing her left hand over it and her back. Then she tucked the picture behind back into the envelope and willed herself to forget. She prayed Mulder would just walk through her door right that moment so that she could go to sleep, forget about all of this. Then she heard footsteps outside her door distant and gradually increasing as they neared her room, then stopping abruptly in front of the door. Quickly, Scully stuffed the papers back into the manila envelope and shoved it underneath her pillows. But Mulder never entered. "Mulder?" She called tentatively. "Mulder, come on in. Please? Mulder?" Still nothing. Yet she was certain someone was outside. "Who's out there? Hello?" Still no answer. She briefly considered ringing a nurse, but couldn't bring herself to do so for such a absurd reason. She already feared she was one incident away from being transferred to the psyche ward. No need to get people thinking she couldn't handle herself again. "Mulder? Are you out there? Please, answer me." She was breathing heavily now. It was so quiet in the hospital, like she was the only one left, at least in this part of the hospital. She turned off the light. It moved. It seemed like a shadow moved in front of the door. A thought then occurred to her. What if Jane had been released? If the right lawyer convinced the right judge, she could be out of confinement until her trial. She could have been released just tonight, before Mulder would have had the chance to tell her, before the agent who'd sent the envelope even knew. She turned on the television, desperately searching for news concerning this crime. She flipped frantically through the stations only to find discussion panel shows and newsmagazines. Jane was teasing her, Scully was certain now. Seeing how long it would take her before she wouldn't be able to stand it any longer and call for a nurse. Jane knew Mulder and her family were no where near the hospital and she was seizing her opportunity. Scully was not going to call for a nurse. There was no way she was going to let that woman drive her to paranoia. So she waited, with the lights out and the television muted, listening intently. This is how it happened that night, Scully remembered. Knowing that something wasn't quite right, yet lying there, not moving, not taking action and seized before she could even think. What if Jane had already gotten to Mulder? On his way back to the hospital to be with her, running him off the road. Damning him for screwing up her plans, telling him as she pointed the gun at his temple that Scully was next then shot through the forehead with Scully's own gun, only to be dumped in a hole in the ground and discovered months later. Scully realized tears were streaming down her face now. No! We can handle this! You are a trained federal officer, you can outmaneuver her, overcome her. Scully swung her legs over the side of the bed, to walk for only the second time since she'd been admitted. She was certain she could run if she needed to, that she could get away. She stood up too quickly, though, and leaned back into the bed again. Her legs were shaking like a puppy's. Two calming breaths and she attempted to move forward. Her every pore felt as though they trembled as she moved toward the door with painstaking slowness. Was that Jane she heard laughing outside the door? She told herself she didn't care, even though her stomach rumbled and her legs became all the more rubbery. Just get to the door and see if she's there. Just get to the door and then you'll know. When she reached the door, Scully leaned into the wall and caught her breath. It was quiet outside, but this made her all the more certain Jane was outside. Using the wall to support herself, she opened the door and promptly dropped to the floor, exhausted and sweating profusely. "Oh my God!" Scully heard a woman say as she lay on the floor, attempting to catch her breath. The nurse helped her up and encouraged her to lean into stocky frame so she could bring Scully back to her bed. "Don't tell..." Scully breathed out. "Don't tell the doctor. You won't tell, will you? Please. I'm not crazy, I'm not." "I know, Dana," the woman said to her. "But Dana, you really need to release yourself from this fear. It will consume you." The nurse's voice was vaguely familiar in the serenity it evoked in Scully. She trusted the voice and so promised her that she would seek help now. She knew it was far past time. She would tell someone. xxxxxx Mulder sat on the edge of the lazy boy recliner in Mrs. Scully's living room, trying his damnedest to understand and accept what Rena was trying to explain to him. She and Charlie were on the couch and Bill was pacing in the background. Mrs. Scully was still cleaning up from dinner with Pele's grudging assistance. "Now, Dana is stuck in a mode where she's repeating the traumatic events and images over and over in her mind. Chances are her dreams aren't resolving themselves and she isn't being allowed to experience rem sleep. I'm sure I don't need to explain to you the importance of that." Mulder nodded. This much he knew. Basic psychology. "What this method does is actually re-create that eye movement while the patient is awake. Dana and I would together decide on a image that bears particular meaning to the experience for her and then she would need to focus on that scene, that image; replaying it over and over in her mind." Mulder was beginning to become very uneasy about this whole thing. He remembered the mirror, the food he'd brought her and what severe panic those things had brought on for her. And now Rena was suggesting that she think about those things again? If she was saying that, he wasn't sure he could bear to watch it. "Then what I do is move my finger in front of her eyes, say 12 to 24 times. It takes, I'd say, about 30 to 60 seconds, maybe? Then when that set is done, I ask her to take a deep breath and clear her mind totally of any thoughts. Then we would talk about how that 'scene' made her feel, what emotions it evoked, and if it brought to light any new fears or feelings." She stopped and waited for his reaction. When he said nothing, she went on. "We would then move on to another scene and repeat the process. How long it lasts would depend upon how long she wants to talk about each scene." Mulder knitted his brow and said impatiently, "How is that any different than just getting her to talk about what's bothering her?" "Well, the theory is that the act of moving my finger in front of her eyes like I said, recreates the rapid eye movement of sleep and it somehow releases the horrible memory that keeps repeating itself." All in all, it seemed pretty kooky to Mulder. It seemed like something Scully would laugh at, something that would never work on her because she would never believe that it could. But, he noticed, Rena seemed to be getting more and more excited as she explained it to him. She seemed more to be convincing herself that it would help Scully. He was starting to regret getting her talking about it in the first place. "Um, thanks for explaining it Rena but, I really don't think this kind of thing would be appropriate for Scully." Charlie raised his eyebrows and gave Mulder a not so congenial look. "What do you mean not appropriate? I saw my son go from one day away from a mental institution to a normal three-year-old in almost ten days. What makes you think it's not right for my sister?" "I just mean that I don't really think it would work in her case." Rena took a deep breath, "I'll admit that this is a bit unconventional sounding, but she needs to work through this somehow or she'll never rest, never heal." "Work through what?" Bill asked as he poured himself a drink. "All she's gotta do is start eating and get out of that hospital. She doesn't need therapy or whatever it is that you do Rena, she just needs to get her head on straight, she needs someone to just go in there and tell her look, you eat or you die. It's as simple as that." "Bill, it's not as simple as that..." Rena started. Mulder interrupted her, "You eat or you die? What the hell kind of help is that?" He couldn't believe that her own brother could be so thoughtless and cruel. "Better help than what this..." Charlie stopped Bill with a single look. "Better help than she's offering." "At least she's trying to help. It's more than you're doing Bill," Charlie growled. "That crap is not gonna help her..." Bill muttered into his glass. Mulder was starting to feel pretty disgusted by the whole lot of them. She didn't need their help, Rena's "magic" or Bill's bullying. "Look, the thing is, I know Scully, and I am a psychologist, and I know enough to know that if the patient doesn't believe in the therapy, the therapy won't work..." "Psychologist?" Bill snorted, "You're not a psychologist. Fucking Leonard Nimoy over there...." "Hey!" They all turned to face Pele in the doorway. Mrs. Scully was standing behind her. "Mulder is so a psychologist! He's a parapsychologist!" Mulder shook his head. "Actually I'm not really, I..." "And besides that he's right, mom's stupid stuff isn't gonna work on aunt Dana. It may have worked on Charlie, but Charlie was three! Aunt Dana's an adult. She needs adult therapy. Like..." she looked pointedly at Mulder and lowered her eyes, "Like the kind Mulder could give her." "Pele!" Mrs. Scully scolded. "Jesus Christ, Charlie, what kind of girl are you raising here?" Bill chided. At this Charlie stood and looked just about ready to get physical with his brother. "Oh gawd, that's not what I meant people, calm down, okay? I just mean that he IS a psychologist, maybe he can help her in a *normal* way." She delivered the last part to her mother with exaggerated cadence. "Pele, go upstairs." Charlie ordered, his eyes never leaving Bill. "Dad, I have a right to be here! I'm part of this family! I'm practically an adult!" "Go upstairs now, dammit!" Pele seemed to notice the way her father's fists were clenching and unclenching, the reddish color his face was turning, and the large vein throbbing in his forehead because she turned and ran towards the stairs. "You better fucking apologize for that you self-righteous son of a..." "Charlie, please!" Mrs. Scully ran frantically to Charlie's side and pulled at his shoulder. "Please just drop it. Both of you." Mulder stood, preparing himself to leave. There were things going on here that had nothing to do with him, things that were none of his business and he needed to get back to Scully. Charlie turned to him, "Mulder wait, don't leave yet. I really think you should give this some thought. I think it could really help Dana." "He should give it some thought?" Bill asked sarcastically. "Who the hell is he to make this decision? He's not family, this has nothing to do with him." "Wait a minute Bill," Mrs. Scully interjected and for a minute Mulder thought she might actually be defending him. "I don't think we should discount Rena's idea so quickly. I saw it work for little Charlie and I think maybe we should give it some thought..." "Excuse me!" Rena was on her feet now and looking suddenly extremely angry. "Have any of you considered the fact that this needs to be Dana's decision? I think we should ask her what she wants to do." The room fell immediately silent. Everyone regarded one another simultaneously and mutely agreed that Rena was right. "She's absolutely right," Margaret finally spoke. "We need to do everything in our power to help Dana get through this." She held her hand out to stop Bill from speaking. "This is Dana's decision. And we cannot be there for her if we're at one another's throats. Frankly, William and Charles, your father would be extremely ashamed of the two of you, the way you've been acting toward one another." She paused. "Put it aside, please, and help your sister." She stood for a while and watched her sons, seeming to be waiting for an apology to be exchanged. Finally she closed her eyes, sighed, and shook her head. "I'm going to try to sleep and I suggest the rest of you do the same. I will see you all in the morning." She passed Mulder and said, "Fox." He nodded and thanked her for dinner. For a moment, he was uncertain as to how to make his exit. Now with the excitement past, he was beginning to feel uneasy about being away from Scully. Very uneasy. Almost as though he could hear her calling for him. Or feel it. Or something He turned to leave quietly and Rena ran to show him out. "I think it would work, Mulder," she told him as she opened the front door. "She needs you there, though. I think half of her problem is not being able to show you her vulnerability. She needs to know you don't think she's weak, that you believe she is in control of herself." "I *do* believe that," he insisted. She nodded. "Goodnight, Mulder. I will see you tomorrow. Please try to rest." She shut the door and he was alone again. Except not really alone. She was there with him. He couldn't shake it, this feeling that seemed to belong to him and not to him at the same time. Could it really be, or was it just a combination of high stress and lack of sleep? Yet it was out there, in the atmosphere. She was begging him to come back. He sped back to the hospital. end part 5